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Search options (Page 4 of 12) / Forums / Posts by The Sky Is Black Not Blue
SadPanda wrote:Rules:
1. Make a song that you think would ruin chiptune, or mocking some things people already do that you think is ruining the scene.
2. Make said song still listenable. Not just 2 minutes of straight noise channel with mario coins and vocal samples from a game or whatever.
3. Covers and remixes are acceptable.
4. Saskrotch has to do one or allow it to be called "Saskrotch presents: Chiptune Sucks" (or whatever)
5. Deadline tbd when/if enough interest is expressed.
This calls for a MyLifeIsPixels x Lil Wayne Mashup
Crystal Castles= thieves of the century
Auxcide wrote:Dibs on the fairy theme. Already had one started.
you need more direction and instruction then just "send me tracks".
ohhhhhhhhhh i wanted to do the fairy theme
really though what is really strange is that i had one also started for my EP o_O
Really, I kinda like it
SketchMan3 wrote:The Sky Is Black Not Blue wrote:Waittttttt have i missed something here?
SketchMan3 explain!
What are you talking about?
I don't think you missed anything, but I'm definitely missing whatever you're not missing.
I think i'm missing that your missing what your not missing
Waittttttt have i missed something here?
SketchMan3 explain!
Sorry Frost, i kind of thread jacked you :3
Me and my client Auxcide our now your permanent fanbase.
Mission Accomplished
Just remove fast and music
It's great, is that the kinda style your going for?
Frostbyte wrote:Hehehe I hope it gets moar downloads than the 5 it got before.
Posts found: 49-64 of 192 / Forums / Posts by The Sky Is Black Not Blue