(81 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Apeshit wrote:

That one is modded, they'll just have the one by default.

Can those cases be order now?

Do they come with battery cover?



(25 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Enfy wrote:
kitsch wrote:

manufacturing new screens...  and the wait isn't as long as you'd think!

i was pretty premature before in saying they'd be done soon though, i didn't realize it then but i get a little excited about things and overlook how long it takes time to pass.  but, now, really.  soon.  samples will be red, green, blue and white. 

actually, the LCD tech stuff is completed, the holdup is over <0.5mm in the plastic guard holding it into place (i'm adopting the same mounting mechanism as nintendo basically).  its funny how things work like that...

I suppose that you're not planning on making screens with EL-backlighting?

Good question!


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

onapokoya wrote:

I just ordered the EL_DMG that I will be installing in my GB Pocket I use for writing.  Unless someone beats me to the punch, I'll upload pictures as soon as I install it.

Perfect, that sounds great!, I will be looking forward to see the final results.

BTW, what color of MGB are you going to use, red, green, clear, black?



(1,485 replies, posted in Trading Post)

kitsch wrote:

another peek at something upcoming, very soon!

i altered the picture a pic, sorry for the crappy quality.  needed to hide some things...

and that NES button approach is already being worked towards!  just love it when idea overlaps happen like that...   not sure i can do that style button for a reasonable cost though, tbh.

LCD screens for gameboy, I can't wait!


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

So, I have never seen someone trying to use the EL_DMG in a game boy Pocket, so I was wondering whether it is because it is not possible, or due to the risk of ruining the MGB LCD.

Do you guys think that it is possible to do that?

Do you think a MGB with the EL_DMG will be like a Game boy Light when turned on?



(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Retrogamer09 wrote:
kitsch wrote:

^ no, he's not, but thanks!

looking AND busy, to be more precise...

i'll let you know (i really will) as soon as i find something.  i've found a few but they were my duds from the last assembly run, so aren't working.

Thank you for the update, I though you had forgotten about it!

Kitsch one question if you don't mind, I know you are pretty busy but everyday I take a look at this to see if you have news for me but so far I have gotten any, should I continue waiting or should I give up?

I hope you don't think I am pushing you, I just want to set my expectations.


(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

kitsch wrote:

^ no, he's not, but thanks!

looking AND busy, to be more precise...

i'll let you know (i really will) as soon as i find something.  i've found a few but they were my duds from the last assembly run, so aren't working.

Thank you for the update, I though you had forgotten about it!


(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Goughy wrote:

Relax a little. He's either looking or busy. Kitsch will get back to you soon. That's for sure.

Yep I know!

Are you his spokesperson? Just curious!

Anyway, Thank you bro!


(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)



(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

kitsch wrote:

yep, i know precisely who you are,

mwahahaha.  jk.  i do remember though,  i'll check and let you know if i find something!

Please tell me that you found something...

Did you? wink


(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

kitsch wrote:

i'm pretty sure i have one thats been used/tested with, i'll check and get back to you if i find one

i have plenty of panels if you want those, the PCB is the only part i'm short on right now

I am willing to buy the one that is used, I need the complete kit including the PCB because i will need it to install it in the MGB.

Please let me know, may be you could sell me one panel new with all the parts and the PCB from the used one that you have so I have a complete kit from you, I will pay the full price for it of course.

PS: I am the one who bought the DMG battery contacts, we have done business before, you always help me smile


(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

kitsch wrote:

they work very well in a pocket, i've had people send me emails they've done it but i haven't tried.  looks really similar to a  light

Great, I would love to try it!, do you an EL panel available, I do not care if it is not new but I just need that it works, may be you have one laying around in your house/store that you could sell to me.

please let me know!


(6 replies, posted in Trading Post)


I am extremely interested in buying a gameboy light; please let me know if you have one available that you would like to sale.

Please let me know!


(37 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I am interested in buying a gameboy light, do you have one that does not have a prosound mod?



(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hi guys,

I am interested in buying an EL Backlight panel kit from kitsch bent but they are out of stock, so I was wondering if someone here has one that would like to sale?

Also, I was wondering if anyone of you have installed one of those EL backlight in a gameboy pocket?

Do you know if I install one of those EL backlight panels in a pocket would it look similar than a gameboy light??

Vile wrote:

Whoops, that was my bad. Here's a pic of 2 GBC PCBs. It's damn near the same thing as the DMG only you have to watch out for the smaller resistors on these boards.

If you notice on the PCB to the right the LED is lined out in white. Right next to the C9 tag (I know it's upside down in this pic).

Can I use any type of LED or it has to be a specific type?, Does the resistor has something to do when replacing the LED?

For a MGB what type of LED would work better?