Did you try sequencing the MSSIAH from Ableton using Monosynth or Bassline?
I must say, I have been working mainly with Monosynth but I had no problem in sequencing the MSSIAH sequencer from Reaper (3 parts playing on 3 Midi channels)

Oh and for those interested here's some more music related work (not chip-related though):
a comic about the song Spiracle by Soap&Skin: http://fav.me/d27ui45
a tribute illustration for Pere Ubu: http://fav.me/d2ps6k2
a comic about Bauhaus (tha band): http://fav.me/d2ps6ud

Hi thanks a lot people for your positive feedback!
@arottenbit: no problem per il flyer, per suonare... al momento è un casino... però ne riparliamo! tra l'altro passo da milano a giugno...

Hi everybody, I haven't been really active on this forums in a while, too much work, too much stuff to do... but since I like chipmusic and I like you people here, I have a little something for you!
As you might know I work mainly as an illustrator and graphic designer, that's what I do to earn a living. I have some interesting projects from time to time, and I have a lot of boring one's, but what I really would like to do, is work for musicians, doing posters and album art.

So here here's my idea: if you like my style, and need someone to design/illustrate your next EP, I might do it for free.

And where's the catch you might ask. There's no catch, but there's conditions :

  • I'll do this for free as long as the EP or LP is a non-profit thing (as it's mostly the case with chipmusic anyway). If you plan on selling it, we'll have to talk about it.

  • To do a good job I need to really like the music. It must be something that inspires me. These things either happen, or they don't so I can't promise anything.

  • I have a limited amount of time left after I do all the paid work, so don't expect me to deliver too quickly (though I will do my best not to make you wait for ages, and I've become pretty fast at doing my job anyway)

  • I will not be the mere executor of your ideas, I want as much creative freedom as I can get! Though of course it will always be a process where both sides have their share.

  • Don't ask me to draw in a different style than my own, don't ask me to imitate somebody else's style.

  • Of course I'd like to be credited for my work smile

Not sure if you want this? Check out these things I've made:

Want to see more?

Here's my portfolio: http://www.papernoise.net/
and my deviantart gallery: http://gasteropod.deviantart.com/gallery/#_browse


(17 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

copy-paste would have been great for this! smile
thanks, I'll try this as well!

edit: typo


(5 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

no, but it can mix you a drink.


(5 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

they are screaming at the same time, because the schoolchildren have been tied to the trees.
I'll think about the chainsaw thing... might be a bit tricky to find the right potentiometer though...


(5 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

After having finally bought a new soldering iron (and having discovered that in fact I had a Weller iron laying sound, yet a broken one). I have started to do some experiments with a couple of devices I had laying around.
I don't know if you can call it circuit bending, but I think it's somewhere close to it.
First project was to mod the Beep-it optical theremin by Michael Una (http://una-love.com/munablog/) by adding a fan and a pot to control it. The pot does not only control the speed of the fan, but also modifies the sound a bit. it's a bit like the Synth Fan by Gieskes, only this one uses the fan to modulate the sound, and not as an oscillator. http://gieskes.nl)
The second one is also a really simple one, I took one of those lighters that play you some kind of 1 bit tune when you press the button (for Elisa in this case), and added a pot to control the voltage that get's fed through the circuit. I tried to find some more bending point, but on a circuit which consists of one transistor and some kind of microchip, there's not lot you can do. Still it produces some weird noise, which is fun!

here's a video of the devices in action:

The video shows the beep-it thing for the most part, in the end you get a glimpse of the second one.
The music you can hear at the beginning was made with samples taken from both devices, I only added the bass drum and the synth that kicks in after a couple of seconds.

Let me know what you think about it!


(106 replies, posted in Trading Post)



(186 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(14 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

Here is my contribution to this thread (first track I post here on the forums). It's a track I've been doing with a friend of mine. His contribution are the orchestral parts you can hear in it, which I've partially chopped up and passed through a bitcrusher. The rest is made with a Novation Bass Station (for the bassline) and c64-Mssiah for pretty much everything else exept the drums, which come from Drumatic 3 vsti. Everything has been recorded and mixed in Reaper. Mixing is still pretty rough and I need to work on some parts of the track, it's still a bit too simple for my taste.

http://soundcloud.com/rumpelfilter/smas … vaders-pt2

@RuchCoil: I really like the funk in your track! Would love to hear it finished!


(17 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Thanks a lot people!
I'll try some of this and in case report back!


(17 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Hi everybody!
SInce I have a spare C64c lying around which works perfectly but doesn't produce any sound (got it for spare parts) I'm wondering... is there a way to test if the SID is working, and to exclude that something else is wrong (burned out resistance somewhere on the circuit)?


(20 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Man this soooo expensive for just an fx box... but still this is also such an awesone sounding one!
Will need to save a lot...


(33 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

Thanks a lot everybody for you feedback! I'll keep you posted on the outcome of this adventure, if you're interested... smile


(33 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

Hmm, will think about it. Thanks a lot for the link!
Experience tells me not to buy the cheapest, and the other one I've found seems like a good compromise... but I'll think about it.