At first the screen is black (iff the C64 is turned off) and then it becomes black snow screen (when it is turned on). I can't see anything at all, so also I cannot use it at all

Hello again,

I have another question. I ordered a video cabl for my C64 but still like to know what's wrong with my RF cable. When I plug my rf cable into my tv and search for a signal I do get a channel assigned. It is a fully black screen, until I turn on my C64. When I turn on my C64 I get a screen with black snow (like white snow on a tv, but black). Does anyone know if this is my RF cable or my C64? And also, how to get rid of it (:

Thanks in advance!

Would this cable work? … din%25208p

Thanks a lot!

It has an 8 pin connector. Can I then just plug in the RGB cables into my TV and start it? Leaving the other black cable part?

Hey all,

I just bought a commodore 64 and have a little problem, there's to video cable with it. I already tried a NES rf cable but sadly it didn't work. I now think of getting a cable for the video output. What kind of cable do I need? Could you help me with this?

Thanks in advance!


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

uXe wrote:

grey kitsch-bent case with NES buttons!

You have one damn white table.


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I'd love to know some tricks with the speech instrument!
I tried it a couple of days ago, it is pretty hard haha.

I'm from the Netherlands, here I actualy come a across a blue one pretty often, as often as a red one. I've never seen a white one before, and sometimes see a black one passing by. Just bought myself a yellow one, which I've seen less then a blue or clear one here.

I'd kill for a white one.


(52 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Awesome man! Thanks a lot!

I think my parents got me one a long while back, a Gameboy Pocket.
Then got myself a Gameboy color with Pokémon Yellow (way too awesome.).

A while back a friend of mine gave me his DMG so that was pretty nice and now I bought another one.

Love these things


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I decided to put the switch on the left side of the Gameboy case, it looks like it has a lot of space there on the top half shell...

Thanks for all the photo's and information!


I mean the GB_USB map from the minidisc...
It is on my hard drive...

I heard some carts are broken or something, maybe that's it sad

Could someone help me?
I havent made music in a while because my cart keeps crashing.

I want to reflash but my cart isn't recognized on my PC...

When I want to install the drivers and select the map where it's in, it says that the driver isn't there...

Could anyone help me please?

thanks in advance


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hey, I have a question!

Could you make a picture of the DPDT switch inside the Gameboy and how that is situated please?
I'm having trouble getting mine in.

Haven't ordered anything yet, just making the holes already wink

Thanks in advance!