GoingHam wrote:

Okay, picture explained a lot.
You could try re soldering the connections/ uploading pics of wiring/ or rewiring from the volume pots to alternative points like such:

Rewiring to these points is not controlled by the volume knob though.


Edit: Just tried soldering to those points, with the same problem

Saskrotch wrote:


If I may believe this picture http://www.epromfoundry.com/home/wp-con … osound.jpg 1,2 and 5

(I followed a tutorial on how to install a RCA mod on youtube)

GoingHam wrote:

What points the RCA soldered too? Vs the Headphone jack + any other you may have.

the above 2 points and the 5th for ground.  (counting the 5 point for a prosound mods)

GoingHam wrote:

Just a thought,
What happens when you play a single note with a instrument on left channel on the internal speaker?
repeat with switching it too the right channel.

I'm doing that to test it and it works fine over the headphone jack, but not the RCA mod

Saskrotch wrote:

it sounds like there's some cross talk between the L and R outputs. the wires might just be touching, or they might be lazily soldered to the L/R/GND points at the volume pot

First thing I thought, but it doesn't look like it (and it should go for both outputs if that is the case, right?)

I normal right output, but my left output also goes over the right side. How can I fix it?

nitro2k01 wrote:
Freak Assassins wrote:

Made An Old NES Controller In A belt Buckle but No Gameboy Mods Yet.

Dude! Why Are You Capitalizing Every Word In The Sentence Like That?

You didn't read "belt" and "but" did you...

Zuberi wrote:

Little ant farm?

with those gel things it would be awesome, maybe a few led's under it?

Is anybody here being creative with dead gameboys?

I plan on using one as mainly transplant material and the case for a casing for an external hard-drive.

How do I get to play stuff from that playing on my NES?

How do I start making music, cheaply and with little to no modding, on the NES?

GoingHam wrote:
relo wrote:

Jup, dat had je ook gewoon kunnen doen.

But I found what the problem was. When I installed the biversion chip I had cut 3 wires (not 2) so I bridged the last (on the left of them) but combined with bad soldering it did something (likely grounded) with the right channel which apparently lays besides that. but now its fixed so finally my first DMG is done (for now?).

Good detective work! There is always more modifications too be done.

Thanks. Any suggestions for later mods? I'm likely mostly gonna use it for gaming sound effects (as a game designer) and just for fun.

Jup, dat had je ook gewoon kunnen doen.

But I found what the problem was. When I installed the biversion chip I had cut 3 wires (not 2) so I bridged the last (on the left of them) but combined with bad soldering it did something (likely grounded) with the right channel which apparently lays besides that. but now its fixed so finally my first DMG is done (for now?).

I was also wondering if someone else ever had/has this problem. because to me its a really strange one.

Sorry for the mix up, I meant only the left part of the stereo works then. I have ribbon cable fully plugged in.

As far as I know its only the headphone, but could be both, I can't test as I don't have an RCA cable yet (but I suspect both because it the stereo works when the ribbon cable isn't plugged in).And no I don't have a 1/4''.  (I'm a newb but its gone better than expected.)

My stereo doesn't work (only the left side) when I put in the ribbon cable, oddly enough it does work without it (but that is obviously not an option). It is modded (RCA + backlight + biversion). and everything else seems to work fine.