(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Damn another chip netlabel is dead... sad
Bandcamp is cool but it is so hot it killed the netlabel and communities...too much individualism ! sad
Datathrash was sick for the time it was alive !!! RIP !!!


(46 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Cerror and xylo of xyce ! These guys totally knows how to pull awesome songs and they can do it on any computers/consoles ! Really great guys too, always there to throw some tips and helping others ! Really want to see em' AFK someday !

Vim! This guy is doing tracker stuff for 20+ years now and he totally kick ass !!! From old school chipmusic to DnB to Dance music he knows how to compose em' with skills ! One of the first chipalbum I heard in my life back in 2006 was Extended Loo Breaks on 8BitPeoples and I totally love it, it's sooo groovy !!!!

Bitshifter ! I had the chance to pass some time with the Shifter back in 2011 when he did a show in Kitchener, Ontario ! It was Deadbeatblast's birthday and we hang (DBB, Beastmode, zazi/chroma, Bitshifter and myself) at his father house the day before, great time talking and playing some Atari ST ! Really great guy !!! smile

Let's finish this 4 guys admiration tradition of this thread with Yerzmyey, this guy is a real AY/YM genius and a really awesome guy !!! Always there to gives some of his super tricks to other people and really supportive too ! Like Vim he is also one of the first chipmusician I heard with AY Riders - ZX Spectrum is alive....ehhh wait nope it's not true HE really was the first chipmusician I heard with his TATU - 30 Minut cover on the We are the Strange trailer nearly 10 years ago !!! smile

There is so many names in this that I want to throw but it will take a century to write all these names and a reason so i'll make some greetings...Demo style !!!
Thumbs up to gwEm, Ultrasyd, Wiklund, 505, Joule, chibi-tech, XC3N, jefftheworld, Reed, DMA-SC, STu, HexOrder, Norrin_Radd, Phlogiston (Eirik Suhrke), maktone, Glenn Rune Gallefoss, Geir Tjelta, Pink of Abyss, etc. etc. !!! wink


(31 replies, posted in Atari)

Anonymouse wrote:

Renoise is my favourite sequencer. Is there anything similar to this that is good. Sorry, my internet is very limited at sea so it is difficult for me to research without asking. Is notator a tracker?

Nope another MIDI DAW sequencer, like I said the only tracker that can do MIDI is Digital Home Studio on Falcon030 ! But Falcons are really rare and expensive !


(31 replies, posted in Atari)

If you want VGA + Full MIDI sequencing tracker. The best way to do it is the most expensive one ! sad
You will need a Falcon030 with Digital Home Studio
The only way to Full MIDI sequence on other models are software like Cubase (which are not trackers) and you can only do MIDI in these (except if you use EPSS with Cubase but you will totally need at least an Atari STe with 4mb of ram ! ...and the VGA adapter/cable for ST/STe are for High res stuff only (Monochrome screen and only Musicmon 1.0 and XLR8 trackers works on them...and they don't do any MIDI stuffs)
Like Jeff said (and thanks to him to have nagged gwEm for years for this cool feature) MaxYMiser can sequence MIDI but you can't full control it and you can just have 2 notes polyphony (since it is using the dma tracks of the tracker to do it !)

One word...Kaosspad !!!


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Annnd another update !

My friend XC3N had a FM Radio show on CISM (Montreal's University radio) called Infinibit but now he's in Shanghai for 2-3 years. Apoplexia took the place but it will surely be more DnB than Chiptune !
Check the facebook page for the infos :


(7 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I'm a total noob in this kind of stuffs but maybe try to open up an old laptop to see how...all the P1 laptops I have transfer the PC speaker sounds in the headphones when I plugged some in the headphone jack !


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

jefftheworld wrote:

Added a little monitor to my NES and C64, no more lugging a TV around with me!


Hively Tracker !

Can we have the url of this website and/or your other games ?! smile


(2 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Awesome !!! Is this .SNDH format allowed ?!
Oh sorry I just red, no ST ! Well it's time to try some new trackers then ! smile

jefftheworld wrote:

a) Sidwizard/Kerberos/C64/Monitor

b) Rubicon Intro - Jeroen Tel (not that I don't know how to do it but I couldn't go without listening to it)

c) Xyno, that kid is too talented and too much fun.

Thanks man !!! I'm fun but not fun e-nuff to piss in the greenroom's garbage bin ! XD

a) Musicmon 2.5e
b) 505 & MCH - Mutative
c)Totally hesitating between jefftheworld (not because he chose me but he is indeed a really good friend) and HexOrder (ex Pixelperfect...this guy is really awesome and surely the best friend I have in this chipscene, check him out !!! big_smile )


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

arlen wrote:

Hell yes !!! This song is awesome but imo the cerror ST conversion of it is better ! smile

OH damn November is too soon...don't have time to get a password shitload of money and road partners ! sad


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

Thanks a lot guys !!!