
(17 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Damn Frank you should have said it to me !!! yikes
I'm interrested in this and you know I got some good stuffs in my setup ! wink


(109 replies, posted in Releases)

Wow ! Saw this on TCTD earlier and played a little bit with it...this is really cool and now I dont need to export my mods in mp3 to do some DJing !
Thumbs up Syphus ! big_smile


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

lol !
This is awesome ! XD

Rob Pheg is Fatlard Kharlan !

1994 ?

http://www.archive.org/download/mtk132/ … 4-gold.mp3

In may !!!
It can be an awesome birthday present for me !!! big_smile

It was the greatest night in the Lo-Fi loft !!! Everyone did a great performance !!! ...and I talk to a lot of great people too smile !!! XC3N and Aliceffekt did an awesome job on the visuals (thumbs up guys) !!!

BUMP...I can't wait to see BEASTMODE...and the secret performer ! wink
Btw...nice frenchies descriptions ! wink


(19 replies, posted in Atari)

jefftheworld wrote:

I've found XLR8 to be quite nice, too.  However, MaxYMiser is still the clear winner.  I might try to write at least one song on XLR8 to understand it's idiosyncracies - both pros and cons - just to be fair to it.  Really though, I don't feel like MaxYMiser is really lacking anything that I'm looking for.  I'm especially fond of the CPU usage tester that it comes with and the z function, as I plan on using at least some of the music I write with it in demos.

Certainly gwEm is god.

XLR8 is awesome...but the out MusicMON 2.5e !!! A true beast !!! big_smile

Totally Awesome !!! big_smile

Hell yeah !!! and BTW Congratulations !!!

bleo wrote:
XyNo wrote:

Wants some good pics of the night...check the pics in Toy Company's facebook group !
http://www.facebook.com/photo_search.ph … p;view=all
It was a really awesome night !!! big_smile

YES!  Those pics Mariev took are AWESOME!

Indeed man !!! big_smile

I really need to go to Japan and go see this !!!
-Hip Tanaka big_smile
-Little-Scale...Hell yeah !!!
-PORTALENZ !?! I think they we're "dead" !!! big_smile
-STU !!! yikes I'm sure he will play "Kyou wa koko made" !!! tongue

Like Battle Lava said...Thank you for posting this so far in advance...the Blip Fest Europe last year was announced 1 month before the show if I remember well !!!

bleo wrote:

Now gimmie pics of shit OTHER than food and soapdicks.  Preferably, pics and videos of me... kthx. /me so vain

Wants some good pics of the night...check the pics in Toy Company's facebook group !
http://www.facebook.com/photo_search.ph … p;view=all
It was a really awesome night !!! big_smile


(72 replies, posted in General Discussion)

2009 was the year of remix/covers...
-First of all...Da Chip, the famous Daft Punk compilation that was on JDDJ3J website
-Weezer The 8-Bit album on PTESquad
-Kind of Bloop...a TRUE underdog sad Miles Davis with Chip...you can't go wrong !!!
-8Bit Operators : Wanna hld yr handheld vol.1...the name say it all !

In 2 days...I can't wait to see Starpause and Trash80 !!! big_smile