(64 replies, posted in General Discussion)

DJCactus wrote:
Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

Just make sure you blatantly steal someone's music and go on tours pretending to play it. Good luck!

right, it would be stupid to get a set with my keytar and totally forget to steal something to play, then the jig would totally be up.

You might have actually had to play it.


(64 replies, posted in General Discussion)

DJCactus wrote:

you mean if i have a keytar i can pretend to be someone else?  brilliant.  Almost best thread ever award.  awarded to this one.

Just make sure you blatantly steal someone's music and go on tours pretending to play it. Good luck!


(64 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Just make sure you don't list TV Death Squad bc he gave us all those sample kits to make up for it instead of apologizing so it's almost like he didn't pretend to be Random with a keytar.


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I only write extratone.


(119 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Mtn. Dew Code Red all the motherfuckin' way.


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

10spd wrote:

Heck yes! looks like a good time, man. Cool looking club!
I move that leggings are the new chiptune uniform.

Yeah, it was this weird little place right at the edge of downtown Boston. I pre-gamed by eating my weight in McDonalds across the street.

I second that motion.

nitro, /thread (and banhammer idk) kthnxbai.

katsumbhong wrote:

I just remembered why I try to stay away from people who were born in the 90's.

Hey now sad

Anyway, americastream, whether you're a troll parody of that kind of person or you actually are this awful, why don't you tryhard even more.


PianoGameboy wrote:
americasteam7 wrote:

Make me an offer. right now.

I'll give ya' about tree fiddy.

I ain't givin' you no tree fiddy, ya damned monster!

In local news, this thread has taken a sharp turn for the upbeat.

SketchMan3 wrote:

OH come on you guys. This did not need to escalate to this extant :\

... not useful for "chiptuners"...

The world does not revolve around chipmusic. Granted he did post HERE at a chipmusic forum, but still... just because it has "no useful mods for chiptune" doesn't mean it has no merit at all and isn't worth a bit of doe.

Edit: just trying to bring a bit of balance to the force

He was pretty clearly trying to bait someone into overpaying for crap, though, and while "other people do that a lot online", it's a lot easier to tell one person specifically to just knock it off than to shake your fists at the sky and hope that everyone else cuts it out, especially when they come to you.

boaconstructor wrote:

I wanna get this guy stoned

Like, beat with rocks?

Limitbreak wrote:

I can't lie...I'm almost tempted to buy his DMG just to have it...because this post has gone so far and become so absurd.

You all have made this DMG special and oddly desirable.

"Yeah, man. I totally bought the americastreamboy. It looks like shit but you should have seen the thread that went along with it."


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Wellll...I've got some very scratchy iPhone videos from the back of the club. Played a show on Boxing Day with robotsexmusic and Active Knowledge.






Those are some serious leggings.

Well, the world needed to laugh again.


(55 replies, posted in General Discussion)

2014 resolutions:
Play all dem shows
Feel more comfortable releasing albums on the regular
Make talk 2 @ girl??
Get out to some fests and cons (ended up missing Mag in the end)
Drink more Mountain Dew Code Red.


(55 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Made new chiptune friends in meatspace, strengthened the core of 8BitNortheast, lead a class on chipmusic, released a few albums, wrote a lot of new shit, started getting into writing/listening to chipthrash, chiptune busked a lot, played a few shows, wrote an academic dissertation on chipmusic, finally made a name for my chip-punk band at school.

iamEVE-X wrote:

Make 90% of their music available for free.

mine is free ;P

Desumate: always free, always will be.
Time to sue facebook