(44 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Something like 8 solely through using the site. Finding out that people on here live relatively nearby is always cool.


(7 replies, posted in Releases)

Bump 4 sexy


(95 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

ForaBrokenEarth wrote:
Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

Some sorts of tracks generally just seem to do better raw, too. Crazy noisy chipthrash shit, etc.

It depends on your audience as well. The harsher your production the less likely it is to appeal to more casual listeners, but people more involved with chip will be more likely to give it a chance.

I've personally found that harsh sounding chip stuff gets two types of response from the casual or unfamiliar chiptune listeners. For a lot of people, the aggressiveness actually just draws them in as much as the "omgz gmaeboi" factor does, while it obviously also scares people away.


(95 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

my.Explosion wrote:

So far most of my chiptunes have been raw output. On some tracks I may add a slight, *slight* reverb. It's not often noticeable at all, but I think it gives it a little more "softness".

My general thinking is: if the track sounds good raw, no need to make more of it. Don't fix it if it ain't broken. wink

Some sorts of tracks generally just seem to do better raw, too. Crazy noisy chipthrash shit, etc.


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

W4LKR wrote:
Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

Stickers. Lots of stickers.
guise m i legit yet pls

Could you post a tut on how you did those!?

Nah, dude. It's pretty advanced shit.


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Stickers. Lots of stickers.
guise m i legit yet pls


(35 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Unicorn Dream Attack kind of used to be one to me back in the 8BC era, over MSN Messenger. You generally want, as Jellica pointed out, to start by making songs for you.


(70 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Full time college student a few states away from home. Also, chipbuskin' and regular buskin' back home pays fairly well. Got a parks and rec. type job this summer.


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

Victory Road wrote:

hah, peasant's quest!
will check this out properly later

Peasant's Quest, indeed. I knew my love of Homestar Runner would seep into my musical exploits eventually.


(134 replies, posted in General Discussion)

arlen wrote:

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i throw crappy titles on everything because in the end it doesn't even matter.

Between songs at shows, I go on homeless guy-level rants about nothing and then just reach some kind of conclusion and make that the title of the song for the moment.


(134 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Actually, back in the 8BC days I was guilty of the "sounds like gameboy" artist name.


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

G'day. When I'm not...using my hands as invisible robots or something, I have a chiprock [see: traditional garage rock format + lsdj + DMG] group called >Throw Baby. We've been playing shows more than actually recording, but finally have a small 4-song demo about to be released. Fairly lo-fi recording, as we self-produced/recorded in an on-campus recording studio. This is a single song from the demo; the other tracks will probably be up by some time next week:



(134 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Welcome to hell


(93 replies, posted in General Discussion)

My cousin plays 6-string bass, and he finds my chip stuff interesting and novel, but likes to find sounds in my songs that remind him of Mega Man and stuff that we played on NES a lot when we were younger. My sister thinks it's stupid and annoying, especially when I'm using the desktop to record things. Dad was supportive in that he appreciated the composition and stuff, but he wasn't too invested in it outside of the fact that it's something I'm invested in. Mum doesn't really care about the details, but says that most people should be, and is always trying to get me to talk about/show off chiptune stuff to her friends/their kids, and she usually is supportive when it comes to me going to chip events and booking shows and stuff. Aunts and uncles mostly don't care as much as they do about my guitar stuff. Close friends either A.) like electronic dance music and consider chiptune to be synonymous and thus go to see me do chip stuff sometimes, B.) help me set up shop when I go chipbusking and all that, C.) have no opinion, or D.) Ended up, themselves, getting into making chipmusic.


(184 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I said it once, and I'll say it again:
Step 1: Create rough bare bones of the song, with various melodies/basslines/drum beats/etc. at the ready, to be triggered nonlinear...ly. This ensures unique (albeit occasionally batshit nonsensical) performances of the song.
Step 2: Spread out some empty chains and surround them with breakdowns/bridges, so that you can actively place notes into them and smoothly build up a melody/beat/whatever you subtracted, as the pattern plays out (Timing this requires some practice)
Step 3: Alternate endings or something
Step 4: Cry and give up and use lsdj keyboard (or famitracker's keyboard mode on a laptop)