(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Victory Road wrote:
Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

I mean, I know there's still some purely chip stuff that can hold its own, which is good. I just think that there isn't enough of it to keep chipmusic going for too much longer without help from things like unique integration of tech and tradition.

man i was really surprised by the level of quality even at the open mic, which was mostly dudes with gameboys
there was also chip & vocals and also chip & flute though so i guess that's a thing!
i guess i just feel like the medium has so much ground yet to cover, in terms of both composition & instrumentation. exciting times!

Fo' sho'. My band uses LSDJ as an automated synth when we do post-rockish and new-wave stuff. We use the LSDJ keyboard sometimes, too. The DMG is run through a bunch of pedals and takes over for guitar on some songs.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Victory Road wrote:
Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

Lately I've felt like the only way we can keep chipmusic out of the "MYF1STLSD1XJ WIP" abyss is to keep pushing how we use the technology in conjunction with traditional music.

y'know i was thinking this (at least in regards to my own music) for like the last 3 or 4 months before i went to square sounds
but then i went to square sounds :v
it's not that there wasn't a lot of awesome fusion of tech and tradition there (pselodux, hunz, omodaka etc.), it's just that the stuff which was purely chip was engaging enough to stand out alongside everything else.

i think there are also a lot of people who are thinking the same as you but with the roles of technology and tradition reversed. it kinda depends on which side of tradition/tech you start from.

more chip n vocal stuff would be nice though!

I mean, I know there's still some purely chip stuff that can hold its own, which is good. I just think that there isn't enough of it to keep chipmusic going for too much longer without help from things like unique integration of tech and tradition.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Lately I've felt like the only way we can keep chipmusic out of the "MYF1STLSD1XJ WIP" abyss is to keep pushing how we use the technology in conjunction with traditional music.


(31 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Ezra Pound got into Imagism, and then it got popular among other American poets, so he stopped. Imagism didn't go away, and poets still find it difficult, relevant, and enjoyable.


(40 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

boaconstructor wrote:

this thread is fucking stupid. put it in something that it fits in

[obvious joke]

Also, the topic would be less stupid if it were in General Commons.


(40 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Camera bag that is much, much more the size of a DMG than the tiny camera it came with. Also, it has a little pouch originally for who-the-fuck-knows and now for extra carts or a big ol' link cable.


(104 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Saskrotch wrote:
Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

Aaaand we've reached the Hitler jokes. Can this thread just fucking cease nao pls kthnxbai

technically it's partly a joke about how hitler jokes always show up in internet discussions

On any other forum, I would assume that.


(104 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Aaaand we've reached the Hitler jokes. Can this thread just fucking cease nao pls kthnxbai


(16 replies, posted in Releases)

extreme zan-zan-zawa-veia wrote:



Now who's this Invisible Robot Hands guy I've been hearing about?


(40 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Do I get cred if I was around back when 8BC hadn't gone entirely to shit yet?


(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Axel-havoc wrote:

I wear pants.

Not in /this/ relationship, baby


(104 replies, posted in General Discussion)

xX 8 BIT CHAMPION Xx wrote:
walter b. gentle wrote:

plus it feels weird to me when women feel the need to let their gender be a badge..

I don't think a lot of people do this

Men kind of impose it /upon/ women a lot.


(84 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

Theta_Frost wrote:

You could use an instrument with L in its table for slides.

You can't put L in the tables, and you could in the older versions of LSDJ, but it did nothing.


(67 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Apeshit wrote:

The fact that they're impossible to keep in stock for more than a matter of days suggests that people wouldn't rather make their own.

Thanks again for mine, by the way. I don't think I ever shot you a thank-you email, so I'm doing it publicly here and also thereby promoting your products.


(167 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

xX 8 BIT CHAMPION Xx wrote:

Make a TV-B-Gone-style program for the Game Boy Color using its IR LEDs.

MegaZombieStomp wrote:

I have recently bought a Rasberry Pi, and was wondering whether it would be possible to run LSDJ through a emulator while using the DMG as a speaker to replicate the authentic sound?

Speaker ≠ sound chip