(206 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

Forgot about these from Brain Tank and Anime Boston.
Shortly after that song at AB, I was threatened with being kicked out.


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Telerophon wrote:

This is just how the LSDj keyboard works. Every frame in which you have a key pressed during realtime play back, it triggers the note.

It's very simplistic compared to something more elegant, like a MIDI compliant device.

You might be able to create something that sounds like sustain using a very clever combination of tables and effects, but I don't think you'll be able to ever easily do what you're describing with the LSDj keyboard by itself.

EDIT: If I had anything close to good advice, it'd just be to keep playing with your patches and tables designed for use with the keyboard in real time. You might come up with something that solves the problem, or something that renders that problem irrelevant for your music.

That's kind of what I'd been working towards. In the past, I'd solved these problems by writing something up in a table that made it easier to deal with. I can't think of any workaround for this issue, though. Oh well.

Just wondering:

Is there any way of dealing with the fact that holding down a note using the ps/2 keyboard seems to endlessly retrigger it, causing that clicking noise (other than just tapping one key at a time)? Any chance it depends on the version of LSDJ or something? I know that playing the notes using the pre-listen feature and the keyboard sort of makes up for this, but it causes crashes and crazy latency issues that don't occur when running the keyboard with LSDJ the proper way.


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I like this guy's style.


(167 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

sugar sk*-*lls wrote:

i thougth about this for a while last night. A drum machine program geared towards midi implementation, Most gb trackers emphasize instrument separation in the wav pulse, noise channels. This program would take the opposite approach. Various percusive sounds would be built by blending the various channels via different parameters to create complex unique sounds.

Doesn't GB Electric Drum kinda do that (sans MIDI)?


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Subterrestrial wrote:
trash80 wrote:

what happen

someone set up us the bomb

(sorry, couldn't resist)

Move zig

For great justice.


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Bit wish wrote:

And this is where lazerbeat comes and closes the topic as usual

And rightly so.


(206 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

8BNE did this last summer:


(119 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

Did this bit of wackness once.
Seizure warning.


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

myriad violets wrote:

Play a shitload of house shows.


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

First thing I thought of was that old 8bc thread where someone asked this and was told to duct tape the two .exe's together.


(22 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I think DJ Wrong Homer uses it sometimes too.


(103 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ant1 wrote:

- throw your chipmusic.org out the window

Go to chipmusic.org
Throw computer out window
This thread isn't sense-make.


(22 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)



(5 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I guess I'm just paranoid about glitches/latency stuff before buying.


(5 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Looking to buy, and this seems to be in my price range:


Any pros/cons with it? Does it work properly with mGB/LSDj?

(I don't know much about the nitty gritty of the hardware aspects of chipmusic)