Lissajou is a beautiful man worthy of the greatest dance moves currently available.


(25 replies, posted in Releases)

e.s.c. wrote:
minusbaby wrote:

I guess you're all perverted enough to handle it. I like that.

thats what she said


(25 replies, posted in Releases)

Yeah, I use caféTracker. It's a bit like foursquare and I write a new bar with each shot of newly discovered espresso.

Thanks for the responses, everyone. I appreciate it.

"Left" was my attempt at telling a story with music; using each song title as the metaphorical beginning of a chapter. For "Derecha" ("Right" in Spanish), I chose to continue that concept, but this time more like a "Choose Your Own Adventure" paperback where chronological continuity doesn't matter as much as the obvious narrative. This is why it's messier than "Left" and a straight-up dance record. No time for talking.

It's also the first time I'd written music with future live versions in mind. I wanted something that was loose enough to allow improvisation on stage with my murdered out MIDI control surface with or without additional musicians as those are my public performance infatuations. I like to twiddle knobs.

Thanks again and I'm glad that it's being well-received. I never know what to expect from people with each new EP I release. I keep making things dirtier, messier and obscure. I guess you're all perverted enough to handle it. I like that.

EMdash wrote:

YES! I'm sorry I missed this live; thanks for recording this Ricardo.

And now, for something...mysterious. At 0:27 there is a Street Fighter "select character" noise. However, Kris Keyser claims he programmed no such noise in his composition. Where did this sound come from? On stage? From an audience member's ringtone? How would it be heard over the PA and caught so clearly on the phone's mic? Can anyone SOLVE THE MYSTERY OF THE SF SELECT SOUND?

DaPantz and openBack both use that sound for incoming text messages on their phones (DaPantz got it from openBack), so I'm going to guess that one of them was fucking around near the mic. <):'p


(177 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm bummed to be missing this, but I'm in São Paulo. I'll live.

Rock that place APART!


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)


(16 replies, posted in Other Hardware)


I'm very much looking forward to trying to make the FBI and CIA dance.


(47 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Am I being presumptuous, or is this thread full of virgins?


(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(34 replies, posted in Releases)


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Go Motion wrote:

didn't know i had a fan.



(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

KeFF, your work is going from strength to super strength!


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Oh, and (sorta) speaking of web standards and whatnot, a friend made something lovely using HTML5; reminds me of an imaginary demo, so I'll link to it: