(7 replies, posted in Releases)

@ilkke, thx!... we should collab sometime in future big_smile... i mean in music.... and why not in pixels? :PP
@Steves, woah!, do you have friends in venezuela?... glad to hear that you like it!... thx for share it
@sammulligan, big_smile... shake your head
@Chip Champiñon... lol... thx for collabing with me man big_smile i really dig our track
@Warlord, thank you, tell your friends about! jajajaj...
@XyNo, no cover this time! sad((... but still "killer", jajaja...

thx guys! big_smile


(2 replies, posted in Releases)

Listen to your music is always good! big_smile
My fav is Tekko Knockout!, you should release more SID tunes, i know you have more!!! also those SAP files too!!! they are delicious!.
Thx! big_smile


(617 replies, posted in Releases)

ui - killer beats II
http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/8524/ … -beats-ii/


(7 replies, posted in Releases)

This is a loop-music album, that pretend to keep that crude sound from the NES/FAMICOM adding a juicy bass with killer beats. This album is not meant to be glamorous or a masterpiece.

Co-op with:
Song: Modulation with SC (Selector Catalog) (USA)
Song: Tikondik with Chip Champion (USA)

I would like to thanks people at IRC #botb #modshirne and #hexawe. Special thanks to JSR for keep updating Famitracker (famitracker.com) and made it better every day!.
Also Thank you to the people who help me to get the PowerPak.
http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/5482/ … your-help/

With the songs you will get the NSF files and the first Killer Beats and some EXTRA tracks. Enjoy big_smile


This track is part of the upcoming album Killer Beats II.
Was made in Famitracker and recorded in the NES using a POWERPAK.


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

akira^8GB wrote:

UI, are those printed on the same material as the one I got previously?

Yap, the same.
Sublimation over Polyester Fabric

moar pixel art plzzzzzz....

BTW guys... check some of the posters im selling in here...


oh!, an album!!! heart thx..... i have been listen to this for a while already.... so punk-shit!.
I think i already got all the songs, let us know PLZ if you made moarr :XXXX

no pasarán!


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

@Ralf, tio rompiste con esos artes!... jajaja.... really awesome art for sure!!!
@Sander, post moaaar... :DDDD
@KeFF, you n00b!.... heart
@minusbaby, chico!, si que ta sabroso tu!
@Ilkke, your art sux and isnt pixelart!!!! dont post anything moar here plz!!!.... jajajaja tongue. Finaly you post that art here big_smile is so delicious you should post the cart pic aswell!
@akira, puto!.... :PPPPP quedo bueno!!!, lo hiciste todo tu? esta bueno deberias hacer mas y mas seguido trolazo!

Greetings all, i dont have any pixel to post here for now, im away from home, i will post some pixels soon!. Keep posting plzzzzz


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Floravox Terraport wrote:

thats really cool!!! i also checked your website and you have pretty rad art there! :DDD... please if you have moar pixels, just post them here, i would love to see moar big_smile

btw, this is not 100% pixelart, but the characters/musicians are made in pixelart

Ladosis #23 (flyer) by iloveui, on Flickr


(46 replies, posted in Releases)

ehhmmm bump to thx to all of you, really smile (again)


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

GoingHam wrote:

please try to post just pixelart. I know this is related but it's not actually pixelart sad

btw, check this


(7 replies, posted in Collaborations)

About NSF, Winter Chip has NSF and NSF+, so Summer Chip is for others formats as ant1 saids....

and...gameboy is for posers!!!! <trollface> but true....

also as chunter said...
Enter as Wild

yikes nice!!!... i missed this post!. I will start checking and add events.

Muchas Gracias!


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

i love that this post is moar active now big_smile... keep posting guys!!! g0g0g0g0

some of mines

PATTERN by iloveui, on Flickr

PIÑATA (FLYER) by iloveui, on Flickr