I would love to offer my art, but you i already did one, so i will let someone else to do that

But of course, if you don't find anybody, let me know.


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Alien Valtan wrote:

My last work! smile

man thsi is deliciouuss, where can i find more pixel from you?


(7 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

any free version or lite for iOS? i would like to test it big_smile

Pixel Film:'_|
Directed by garth+ginny
Aardvark. Cactus. Spatial Awareness.

Added some voxel apps and artists (lego scultures). New videos and better organization in few sections. I also added 2 groups from facebook dedicate to promote pixelart and related stuff.

And guys, come on, im just copy/paste the information in one place, just that!. But thx for the love... i guess XD

if you find anything broke or missing link, let me know.


(7 replies, posted in Collaborations)

This will become another classic battle at botb.
http://battleofthebits.org/arena/Battle … r+Chip+II/

12 formats over 4 weeks, same as last year!

All registered users of BotB may vote.
All tunes will be rendered to MP3 for voting accessibility.
No covers allowed, only original works.
Entries submitted to previous battles, compos, or competitions are not allowed.
For direct communication join us on IRC!! irc.esper.net #botb       big_smile/

- AdLib soundcard
- AY-3-8910 / YM2149
- PC Engine/ TurboGrafx16
- SNES Mario Paint
- 64k tracker module
- 8k tracker module
- Atari Pokey x2
- Sega Genesis/MegaDrive
- SNES/Super Famicom

- Chip battle art


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

sorry guys but im not accepting "art" anymore. I did that necro-bump to mention than the compilation is almost done and it will be out soon i hope. Thx anyway smile


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

necro bump?

tracklist (for now)

#2 - MENU
#3 - 1-1 - Coco Aventura
#4 - 1-2 - Isla Coco
#5 - 1-3 - Cueva Cangrejo
#6 - # Ron Tenazas (JEFE)
#7 - 2-1 - Pantano Brontokoko
#8 - 2-2 - Hablando Froogoz
#9 - 2-3 - Isla Froogoz
#10 - # Morzquito (JEFE)
#11 - 3-1 - Palmeras al Cielo
#12 - 3-2 - Cielo Kaleidoscopico (+ B00daw)
#13 - 3-3 - Cueva Supersecreta (+ Kulor)
#14 - # Pesadilla Barbanegra (Primer Encuentro)
#15 - 4-1 - Donde estoy?
#16 - 4-2 - Caminando en Circulos
#17 - 4-3 - JJ-Jumbo Jet
#18 - # Kimgbatoon (Jefe)
#19 - 5-1 - Tio Mono
#20 - 5-2 - Pueblo Dumpa
#21 - 5-3 - Surf Cuadrado
#22 - # TOPOTO
#23 - 6-1 - Tartugga (+ Baron Knoxburry)
#24 - 6-2 - Donde estara la jungla?
#25 - 6-3 - Suspenso Critico (+Lunar)
#26 - # Langosta Grandes Musculos (JEFE)
#27 - Continuar...
#28 - 7-1 - Cola del Jazz
#29 - 7-2 - Escalando al Templo
#30 - 7-3 - Templo Tribal
#31 - # Tesoro Maldito (JEFE)
#32 - 8-1 - Rokopapa
#33 - 8-2 - Huijillio Junf
#34 - 8-3 - Una Ilusion en el Cristal
#35 - # Cristal Espectral (JEFE)
#36 - 9-1 - CREDITOS... (+ miau)
#37 - 9-2 - Lanzando los CREDITOS (JEFE)
#38 - 9-3 - Hazme reir (JEFE)
#39 - # No podras (JEFE FINAL)
#40 - EL FINAL
#41 - #extra# - Ladron de Galletas
#42 - #extra# - PUYALO! (MONOBONO)
#43 - #extra# - HORA KAMIKANA! (GATOBONO)
#44 - #extra# - BONO PESADILLA
#45 - #extra# - BONNUS (maybe will be deleted)
#46 - PAUSA
#47 - Los nuevos planes de Pesadilla Barbanegra...

when U.S.A goverment refuse me the visa to vistil U.S.A in 2007.... WEEHHHHHHHH......... \o/ #fokyou

Added moar videos, artists and few other stuff.

all noobs


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

KeFF wrote:

ommm ommm monomonommmomommmmm


(181 replies, posted in General Discussion)

coño sad(((


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

why drama/ego appear in these posts?, that's why i never post around sad(( fokyouppl-you-all-ruided-the-fun!.... later now on! sad


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I usually dont appear in this kind of post, but... i love nes games big_smile

here are mines

- Dr. Mario
- Tetris
- Contra and Super Contra
- Tank
- Ice Climber
- Balloon Fight
- Punch Out
- Some fo the Kunio-Kun games

and few others that im lazzy to type.... oh and one that not much ppl seen to know...
- Adventure of Rad Gravity

That game was REALLY hard to beat, actually i never did. was insanely hard!


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

that would be neat ilkke, my suggests

How to draw?
How i get pro skills?
How to cheese burger?

jajajaja naahh serious

Where to start? Programs
Sizes and optimization of the lines
How to clean a line art
Color use and shadows

I think that's more than enoufff... and btw, if you do it, i can translate it to spanish!!!! that would be SUPER nice guide/tutos to have heart


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

the vampire in steps... cuak!

HIPSTER VAMPIRE (STEPS) by iloveui, on Flickr