tempsoundsolutions wrote:
ui wrote:

woaaaahhh!!!...... nitro2k01, do you have any idea if this suppor animated gif??????

lol, why not straight up .avi while we're at it..

my comment acutally is a fail! jajaja... i forget the pics are taken from long exposure. You cant actually do that, or you can, doing it with static images and stop-motion as nitro said! :PPPP

ui is the n00b!... btw, this project rox so bad!...

nitro2k01 wrote:

Since it relies on a long camera exposure time, it can only produce still images by nature. However, nothing would stop you from painstakingly making several frames and do a stop-motion kind of thing. Of course, every frame would be aligned slightly differently in each frame, if the rod is carried in your hand, since human motion isn't perfect. You can see this as a part of the craft, and live with it.

Of course you'd need to build the thing or convince the creator to record frames for you. (I'm not the creator and I haven't built one, so I'm not of much help.)

Yah!... totally true, i forget about the long exposure time. The pics at their flickr looks so good and dont looks like. Btw, thx again afor sharing this! i will contact the guy and see what happen!

woaaaahhh!!!...... nitro2k01, do you have any idea if this suppor animated gif?????? or a sequence of images??? because i could produce graphics for this proyect


Keff, no, im sharing the game with you guys. I saw it in pixeljoin.com and i liked and just in case, the graphics arent mine, just before ppl get confuse! XDDD

(Quote from Pixeljoint.com)
Cavorite is an original and genre-crossing adventure game, appealing to fans of puzzlers and platformers alike.

Dr. Cavor is trapped inside the moon! Held captive by the mysterious Selenites. Match wits with the Selenites, avoid the perils, battle monsters and escape the moon!
Featuring Retro 16-bit era graphics by TomF (http://www.pixeljoint.com/p/12821.htm), 63 mind-bending levels, 3 unique worlds and a hauntingly beautiful chiptune soundtrack!
Get details HERE - http://www.drcavor.com/

the ones in the blog are really HIGH QUALITY.... thx for sharing this...


(226 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

dont know if somebody already post this two, but...

Drum samples, is a huge pack, has about 200+ per type...

A community to download/upload/suggest sounds... and of course is all free...

and of course my second home...

All the samples are there...
http://battleofthebits.org/browser/Entr … at/sample/

und, danke schön Herr uB...for this MEGASUPER USEFULL LIST! :DDD... and ppl PLZ KEEP SENDING LINKS!!!!!!! :DDDD...
sehr gut!

bucky, i did this short tuto... because we had this problem at #botb
hope this help in anyway!....

How to convert a multi-track NSF/NSFE into audio files... without waste the rest of your life doing it!...

egr.... smoke is bad!... except in france!....

greeting for the french noob!... we miss him at botb! :DDD

rox artist, pay what he deserves!!!!...

I certify (Y)

New artist, new apps (thx to Tinctu) and few details...


(4 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

niceee :DDD



(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yah!, some noob challenge us at pixeljoint, so you can bet!!!...
man, im exited and im not even in australia! LUL!....
anyway, once again... good luck!!! big_smile... enjoy this new step!

@shiru, i have a bad news.... i have the same problem again!!!!... jaujsuajsjaujajsajjaaj :DDD im joking :DDD
it worked smooth after few configs :X....

i think there is no excuse to get into it! big_smile... i think botbrs will shoot you with a big amount of files!!!...