(798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

mk wrote:

Has DS dev come up with anything interesting music wise lately?

Haven't checked it since nitrotracker

YES. i will name some of the apps i tried and considere are nice enought to give it a try :X

ProteinDS (gorgull should do a GP2x version!!! sad((( and more stable on DS)
Duckslinger (a tracker)
DStep V2.0

Kaos-DS (is a pain config this app)
Mario Pain Composer DS

And of course
glitchDS & cellDS

there are more apps, but some of them are WIPs/not so stable

and, if you own a DSi, you can buy some good apps too tongue


(2 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

nooommm mooommm nooommm :DDDD

thx smile


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

added to fav!

thx for all you programs for the nes, once again tongue...


(38 replies, posted in Atari)

yessshh! big_smile

akira^8GB wrote:

For the record: lameboy sounds like absolute SHIT! Just try LSDJ in it. It blows. All you hear is a hiss. The wav channel doesn't work. I tested all my tunes and they all sound like garbage.
This is why I wanted to try Goomba.

Ya veo, yo lo probe anoche con lsdj y no tuve drama. Pero lo hice para re-checkar que el sav andaba en otros emuladores. Pero bueno, igual no creas que el goomba es muy diferente! XD, aunque si tiene mejor sonido..... pero lo del sav file la caga.
El problema sera SIEMPRE que son EMULADORES de EMULADORES. Es decir, NADIE o muy poca gente, le va a dedicar mucho tiempo a un emulador portado o un emulador nuevo para un nuevo sistema. Por eso es que para que los emuladores sean buenos pasaran mas de mil años! (como dice la cancion)... a mi me paso lo mismo con el emulador de la Supercard para NES (hace 2 años), es UN ASCO... queria reproducir mis canciones ahi, para "tocarlas en vivo", mutando canales, etc... pero nunca pude hacerlo hasta el dia de hoy porque es malisimo!!!... por suerte, el emulador de NDS para NES lo estan mejorando un poco mas y recien sacaorn una actualizacion que anda mucho mejor, pero aun asi, sigue siendo medio malo.

Pareciera que los mejores emuladores, son los que hacen para la gp2x y psp. Otra buena razon para vender tus GBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Suerte con eso!!!, XDD

Prueba hablarle a EBOT por facebook a ver si te puede ayudar con eso, yo realmente no recuerdo nada de los SAV, porque siempre el me ayudaba cuando tenia problemas o me pasaba algunos archivos.

@herr_prof, no, i wanted to buy that, but to do that, i will have to update my firmware which mean = no more R4i...
I have Rhythm Core Alpha, and its pretty good!!!... but... the problem with the DSiWare for now, is that you can save it into the SD card or anywhere else. If you ever bought that app, pls do a review or let me know to ask you about ! tongue


(798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

akira^8GB wrote:

It' ALWAYS a good idea to hear changes on the fly. This should be supported.

im totally agree with you akira

@bleo!, really thx for that link!, i will try that config.xml tonight and see what happend, if still lag so much, i will have to wait till i have on my hands a console! sad((((((( or a better version of the piggy for win or DS, but i know a DS would be almost imposible wink....

e.s.c. wrote:

DS is a little sparse for audio uses, i share your pain sad my ds gets almost no use for musical stuff and little use for games anymore (besides when i want to play 20 minutes of meteos)

WTF???? there are plenty apps for DS to compose, create music and live! :SSS...

@Akira, ebot y yo usabamos esa configuracion, pero realmente no recuerdo nada de como era el asunto.

Usabamos supercard + lsdj.GBA (ojo, GBA) un convertidor para los SAV files. El problema era que lo SAV eran de 64kb (si mal no recuerdo) y creo que el q sale del cartucho normal de LSDJ o de los emuladores es de 128kb.

Hay un convertidor por ahi, pero no recuerdo el nombre, lo estuve buscando y no lo consegui. Porque desde que tengo los cartuchos para el GB, me olvide de esa "poronga".

Porque no usas el LAMEBOY para NDS???? funciona perfecto, cargas tu LSDJ, salvas y todo perfecto sin tener q complicarte. El sav funciona en cualquier emulador y te sirve para sacar luego las canciones si queires.


Igual revisa el link q paso analog, creo que si no era ese el convertidor, era algo parecido.

Yo que tu venderia esos trastes y me compraria otra caanoo con el dinero!!! jajaja


(798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

is the fourth time i tried the piggy on PC (windows version).... and it always end BAD and FAIL...

I dont get why it lag so bad???? is there is any special config or something, because every time i starts to edit the instruments it starts to lag a lot, to the point where I hear only noises coming from the piggy.

Plz i really wanna fix that, because i dont own a PSP, GP2X or any other console. But i still want to compose tracks there, but i always stop to doing it, because of that. Is there is anyway to solve this problem, plz let me know.


(30 replies, posted in Releases)

this will be a classic ep!... thx for the music Cheapshot smile


(18 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

WIN!, another good reason to sell all my trash and buy a cannoo!... thx for sharing!

oh yah!... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ui_(band)

and they also PRONUNCE the name RIGHT... ooo--eee, GODAMMED!... i know they took that name long years ago!... but but!... should i change my AKA just for that???...

well i didnt back to 2002, so i wont do it now!!!, maybe i just should create some secrect AKA!!!! TADA!

is a shame im late! sad

i will donload sometimes soon when my internet goes faster as light!

regalame a mi hdp!!!... jajajaaj naaahhh joda, no quiero mas chiches!!!!!! NO MAS!!!... suerte con esas ventas/regalos

chunter wrote:

bump because anyone with a botb account can vote

yes!, can sumbit, vote, comment and many others! XDDDD

btw, just few hours left!!! GOOOOOGOGOGOGOGOG!! :DDD

this is similar to the Tristendo suggest, but with a little changes...

Depend on what your looking for... but this is bassically how "i do it"

i know there is many many other ways to do it, i just like this one and few others. But the  best way to improve is with the DMC sample, so far. And you can save some space in the channels for notes big_smile. But even with FULLED square/triangle/dpcm KICks, your still able to get a melody. and if is just dance dance music, will be even more esier to do a melody.

Here is the file
http://2a03.free.fr/dl.php?file=2981 (hope this works for you)


(295 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i would like to see