(54 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

akira^8GB wrote:

Yeah man but UI is a MAJOR PUTANOOB

use a computer is MEH... es como comerse un asado sin carne. No tiene gracia...


(54 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

delicious pack, wish i have time and a gp2x smile

great article :DDDD it solve the problems with the multitrack files and their tag!!!.... thx for share it with us :X


(48 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

bucky wrote:

However, the NSFE format allows for much more specific loop and fade times on a track-by-track basis, and since there's support for that, it's like you might as well convert your NSF to NSFE first. smile

hehe, nice big_smile i didnt knwo the NSFE was able to suport that. i have been using notsofatso since i meet the chipmusic/scene. But never get into that format ever!. But now looks like a better option to handle multi-track files :DDDDD... i have few multitrack files actually and im planing to release soon. So this will help a lot to improve formating and names. Thx mister big_smile


(48 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

AMAZING!... this get better and better!! XDD... im exited...

p1xl, did you plan to add some kind of number of repetitions of each track? or just by time?.
and... is there is any plan to add more formats?, like gbs, ay, sap, etc...? I know this will made a "non-nsf-player", but just wonder, cuz this can help to play back songs many chipmusic sites as thisone, botb, 8bc, vorc, pouet, etc...

really thx for this p1xl smile)))))


(48 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

@p1xl, awesome smile... i will give all the credits on my site if i get this player running!!!.... i dont know if im the only one super exited about this proyect! XDDDD...

some ideas... or neat features ( i will add all, but i know some of then arent possible to do or are hard, so dont take me to serious)
- Show the number of the tracks in case they are multi-track files. and maybe the timebar.
- Of course the channel mute ( i suppose this is hard, reading what your last post said)
- Tracks able to been loopeable forever or just X amout of times or an specific time
- List of nsf?, maybe loading from an xml/txt file
- DPCM support?, this should be hard im almost sure
- Expansion chip suppor, such: vcr6/7, mm5... etc (i know this most be like IMPOSIBLE)
- since your reading the name of the nsf, you can add tittle and who did it! tongue

if you release it with teh FLA, i can made some skins!, well anybody will be able to do it! XDDD

i have a classic nsf with 34 tracks made on Famitracker, so this will be so usefull to release my little ep big_smile
dont hate me! for all those ideas or features! XDDD


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Jakten wrote:

I saw your post on Pixelation, I'll probably whip something up if I have some free time this weekend!

AWESOME, it's nice to see ppl from pixelation in here :DDD... hope you have the time and inspiration for do some art....

@EmThree, come on!! sad(( dont get sad... any kind of art is wlcome...

your a great artist! yikes, really neat stuff going on your gallery big_smile...

Is the first time i hear about you, so i will just show you some projects im working on...
http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/1328/ … usic-disk/ <<< here is the main one. If you like the idea and see some future there by doing some simple/complicated art (up to you). Your UBBER welcome big_smile on this little project. Im running other ep, which is called Killer Beats, and it's made on NSF format (nes music). Im giong to write down, some extension text of the HISTORY of the ep. im plan to release this as soon as i finish the art and music.


(48 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

woaah :OOOOOOO, finally somebody did it!! JAJAJA.... yaaahhhhh :DDDD

p1xl, any plan to release or made the player handle ofr websites??? i would like to add this player on my site.


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

EmThree wrote:

done in deluxe paint II and c64 palate

plz plz save it on GIF, BMP or PNG... JPG format and resend :XXX totally mess all up! sad(((
and thx for this contribution! :XXX

@arfink, sure man! :DDDD any kind of stuff works. So yes, i will be UBBER happy to have some of your stuff into my music disk. You can draw anything you want, but if you can add some CAT/MONEKY/BLACKBEARD PIRATE, that will help even more big_smile... but belive me the simpel fact of send me little art is a big much for me.


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Menschendrahtzaun wrote:

you know, when you got too many tools, its hard to find the right one... Wheres my fuckin triwing???

HAHAHAHA this remind me those pens with many colors like this -->http://franmg83.files.wordpress.com/200 … icolor.jpg

@xero, :DDDD thx, there is a version of that one with 4 colores, here is... CLICK MEW

@all the ppl who love ui, really thx! smile)) .... i hate you all!!!....jking...


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

akira^8GB wrote:
ui wrote:

what's this place!.... where i'm!????....

There, on the left, el pendejo boludo, idling on my office space! heart

i see some interesting stuff going on there!... space invaders at top left, some papercraft toys, a doremon. rest of the lauch bag! on the mid-left or something like that!...oh and that crappy robot witch i dont understand...  esta es tu oficina/puesto de trabajo alla en mtvla?

@Floops, i have a solution for that... GIMME ALL!!!, specially that KUNG-FU game!
this project remind me this.... KLICME, mmmmm wonder why not more ppl get in to that!.

Anyway, if miau i cant be in!... im not going to do any track/graphic if he is in!!!!......

mmmmmm im joking???
i can be in for graphics and music big_smile

Here are some of the things i did with miau
Turquoise Palace - Miau did the code and me the pixels
Winter Chip IV - for botb, same...
Winter Chip V - for botb, same...


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

reviving this post... with "update" information (so it appear in the main general discussion again! tongue)

Crab had made few art for this little project, im glad he is trying and helping.

Hope recive more ppl with some art. I repeat, dont have to be complicated a 5 min draw in a napkin it works pretty well.

who did this such a crap graphics!???? oh yah... iLKke!.... and what n00b posted this here!??? oh... uB!....



(17 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

i want this and a power pak for xmas plz... thx....