(8 replies, posted in Releases)

oh shit i have a friend that needs to hear this now.

danimal cannon wrote:
Dauragon wrote:

Do what you like and eventually your voice will come to you, even if that means spending a while sounding like a fucked up smoothie of people you admire.

Love this quote, both idea and imagery.

bryface wrote:

2.  melody lead lines need to have rests so as not to fatigue the listener's attention.  quite often i hear songs where melody lines just go on forever, snaking every which way, with no pause.

I constantly have to remind myself of this. It helps when I write on guitar instead of straight inputting to LSDJ

Yes and yes.  The thought of those I admire blended into a smoothy is the only way to truly love.

I also like glissandos a lot, start one on bar 7 or 8 in a phrase for a transition...  thats kinda my style, i midi'd this up a few weeks ago i dont suggest you listen to all of it and its not chip related.

http://soundcloud.com/jeffrey-s-cook/jc … soundcloud

In the first phrase i cleaned up the transition with the organ glissando.  They are also fun to write.

like i said dont listen to the whole thing i dont want this to come off as some kind of listen to my non-related crap, i just wanted to talk composition.


(27 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Have they changed the way the drums work?  Its probably a hardware thing but they've done updates before, i just dont like the idea of not being able to modify my drums.  Though i guess if your using lsdj your drums are pretty much covered.


(43 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:

I do drops and break downs, but that isnt a dusbtep monopoly, it existed way before bros started to wobwobwobwobwob.

Wave channels in pingpong mode and playing with the repeat value helps too

Hey!  "Wobwobwobwobwob" was cool before bros starting constructing entire songs out of such.

the native in my blood forces me to shed a single tear.

  Best luck to you buddy, there is no glamour in situations such as this and i hope that a resolve comes sooner then later.  Do what you can, dubmood has been in my music library since 04 or 05 and if we(i?) can do anything let us(me?) know.


(17 replies, posted in Releases)

nice now when can we see your asses in michigan again?  i OWN a house now and after whateverthefuck we need to party and party hard.  miss you guys, especially you esc(sorry scrotch and kkrusty but you havnt dragged this mofo with you in some time)

to kkrusty:  Rad album and im glad to see your style is still intact, these tracks have your name all over them.

and i was just going to say when their is an essential, essential mix.  Ill be back.


(55 replies, posted in General Discussion)

SadPanda wrote:

this thing sucks but it's not like it will become some mainstream tool. youtube already has basically every song in "8-Bit" so there will just be more of that shit. let them be, and let misguided nostalgia whores eat it up and think it's the coolest thing ever while we sit in our dark corners and brood. it's what we were meant to do.

hey i can be a totally misguided nostalgia whore but i'm pretty sure i know "the roots of chip" as much as anyone really cares to.


(55 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Heosphoros wrote:
kimbersprophet wrote:

i guess i was wrong in my previouse statement but to be ignored must mean im to much of a "noob" to hang out with you guys..... but if i am right, surley you guys (and girls ((if any )) are destroying yourselfs with your rightiousness

(i know i cant spell.... im sexlexic xxxx)

Destroying ourselves?

You'd be quite surprised at the growth the scene has made, at least technically, since it's early days. Socially, it's a double edged sword.

It's only natural for us, a hard working and passionate community, to be displeased with knockoffs that sells themselves on novelty and cheap tricks. We work hard for what we create, we're fucking good at it, and it's worth being prideful.

What i do in the bedroom when no ones around is between me and god.

Edit:  Its not that your a noob and these guys can be a little e-braisive(lol) at times but the only way to get your respek is to not care.  Also were not destroying ourselves, the chip community has been at the apex of witch burning tactics.  If anything it seemed like people were still down to burn but maybe not like those foolio rappers that escalated like crazy.


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

isnt this method known as formant synthesis...  let me check the master.

http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/mar01/a … nthsec.asp  this could be some helpful reading, not entirely what you want but its what you get.


this thread could appear exaclty as it is in any year from 2006-present

Yes, but i guess my biggest thing about "Chip Music"  is that the preferences vary so wildly all across the board with recording methods(processed audio vs minimal), musical styles(actual genres can matter!  oh shit), hardware(though i guess a good chunk use gameboys so this argument wont hold up), purist vs not strictly chip.  The list goes on, chip can exist within popular music but i dont necessarily see a nintendo being a headlining act in any stadiums any time soon, but just thinking about it puts a smile on my face.

and the discussion continues

thebitman wrote:

Seeing as some of the Southeastern states of the US (Alabama, Georgia, most of Tennessee, Florida, Mississippi, and Louisiana) still have no idea of what chip music is, there is lots of ground to tread. The Bible Belt culture that is so popular lends itself more towards rock, country, ratchet, and pop. It is rare that I play a DJ set and play dubstep (including Skrillex).

I've managed to get a regular thing going, playing a chip DJ set and playing my own material. Mostly house parties. However, I'm fortunate to be living near a huge college campus with decent musical exposure. I think that chip will not catch on so long as the South remains the South (except in college towns). For a hundred years the people here have idolized sung words, guitar playing, and (mis)translated words written in red. The reception to electronic music in general is poor due to religious undertones ("electronic music = rave = drugs = ticket to hell" sort of ideology) so the only artists we have seen in Alabama are Bassnectar and Pretty Lights. Currently I am breaking into the local jazz scene, booking some gigs and stuff. That's how I have been incorporating my chip stuff for the public, and so far it is well received amongst the scene regulars.

I think that Lexington and Atlanta would be good hubs for chip in the South, seeing as they are bigger cities, one being accessible, the other having Solarbear and his amazing BRKfest-rearing festival organization skills. Colleges are near/in both towns, and have healthy bar scenes (unlike Birmingham, where police are everywhere due to murders). Other than those two cities I don't see chip thriving very much at all around here.

DUDE.  With all due respek mr. esc, the michigan scene has grown quite a bit since ive last seen your face.  With the piko piko group michigan has at least 3 gigs a month in south eastish michigan alone.

Even with McCarthy's being gone many venues have opened up due to the piko guys perseverance.

When kkrusty and saskrotch came into town last both of the gigs we played had great turnouts and plenty of beer.  So wont you come back to michigan?  You havnt been shot yet!

I dunno.  I think quite a few more people are aware of chip then anyone wants to acknowledge.  There is plenty of pop music on the radio with video game sounds.  I dont know if the main stream is particularly ready for chip or vice versa, at the end of the day i think the average joe listening to top 40 music wants to listen to more then gameboy tunes, even if its just trancish pop music.


(22 replies, posted in Audio Production)

oh i suck at masters, though ive been practicing.  My usual technique is to throw a master limiter on an auxilary bus before a stereo print track.  Without getting too technical i use the limiter to push up some of the quieter frequencies, make sure the limiter isnt clipping on the in or out and make sure not to over-use it or your dynamics will be vanquished to the x dimension.

edit:  And ive been getting to use the McDSP suites at school.(you were curious about plug-ins, though im no expert the master limiter did add some luster to many of my projects.)


(62 replies, posted in Releases)

boaconstructor wrote:

outstanding sound design.. calling this 'next level' wouldn't even be doing it justice

god what else can be said!


(69 replies, posted in General Discussion)

im not here to argue that point.  The rhymes speak for themselves.  lol i made a joke