I think one of the really good ways to get out of a slump is to work on some fundamentals. Learn about sound design, synthesis, mixing, and music theory just to give you tools to go about making music. That one thread on getting polyphony out of the wave channel through hand drawn waves sent me on a YouTube tutorial bender. A few days later NNNNNNNNNN didn't sound so intimidating. It's all about giving yourself the means to make what you want to make.

Feryl wrote:
Dire Hit wrote:

There's no such thing as "shitty taste"

Taste is relative, no one is wrong.


Source: top 40 fans.

If they like it, then that's ok. That's what taste is about.

herr_prof wrote:

There are lots of great musicians with shitty taste. Look at modern prog for example.

There's no such thing as "shitty taste"

Taste is relative, no one is wrong.

jefftheworld wrote:

It seems that the current version of LSDJ - I'm using the latest MIDI build - will often crash and hang if the Game Boy boots before the arduinoboy while in certain modes. If you plan on using LSDJ to its fullest you'll want battery or AC power for the arduinoboy to prevent these issues. Wiring it to use 4 AAs or a 9volt and a 7805 regulator is a simple option and will keep it going for ages on a charge.

You just solved the problem I've been frustrated with for the last 9ish months. I want to give you a high five.


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

CountSymphoniC wrote:

Thanks, I'm well aware of Chrome's translation features . I only asked because I had a conversation with another member on these boards through PM that was nice and technical that went great. Having another conversation with the same member on Facebook however was difficult because of what I can only assume to be a language barrier. That's why I was asking, I guess I have the answer to my question, but I'm still puzzled as to why our conversation isn't going so smoothly on Facebook. Oh well.

That aside, I had that itching curiosity for quite some time on whether forums auto translate or not. Perhaps some do, maybe not. It was just one of those minor nagging things you wonder about randomly throughout the day, you know?

The problem might be that facebook does auto translate. Google's translation API isn't available for free anymore so most websites with built in translation features have switched to bing. It goes about as well as you can expect using bing goes.

For chip I really like famisynth. It's very versatile for what it is.

Non chip SQ8L is almost the best VST ever of all time. It would be PERFECT if you could automate parameters.

Oh lord if you people could see my dropbox.

Radlib wrote:

Also from now on, if you guys could include your email address with submission, I will be contacting the winners through email as well as announcing them on this post. Werd !!!

Should anyone who already entered just send another message then?

If you can't outrace someone, take a different route entirely. I spent too much time chasing LSDJ masters like treyfrey and boaconstructor, when really I should have been trying to make something unique. Someone is always going to technically better than you at anything you do, but it's what you do with your skills that matters. Did I get good at LSDJ by copying better producers? Hell yeah I did. But I didn't write anything special or notable.

If you're finding that continuing to write music is an uphill battle you may be happier just walking parallel to said hill. I was certainly better off for it.

EDIT: I do not, by any means, think that trying to improve technically is bad. I'm just saying that there's more to music than how good you are at your chosen medium.

EDIT2: Also fitting that wmd albums are making you sad, that seems to be their job.

I just went on a 500 word tangent, good luck to other contest entrants.

Reminds me of Danimal Cannon's Moonlight Sonata cover from the 8bc days. Great stuff.


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

Boy Without Batteries wrote:

You make the best music

He really really does. Top notch release, all killer no filler, but in a really emotional way.


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

Pumped to hear this when I get home.

Glad you kept the aesthetic, the site always looked nice.


(92 replies, posted in Releases)

Do the contributors know who they are yet?

Arkos tracker is a pretty good emulator if I recall correctly.

Disregard this post I'm dumb.