hory shet
33 Apr 13, 2015 12:14 am
Re: Little Sound MC (LSMC) - a multitool for LSDJ .sav files (53 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
34 Apr 9, 2015 10:29 pm
Re: LSDJ Clock (8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
If you really find it necessary to multitrack, play the whole thing in song mode and just mute every channel but the one you're recording. Fluctuations are pretty much uniform that way.
this is how i do it, works a treat
35 Apr 9, 2015 12:26 pm
Re: Furrtek GB-303 (325 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Pathogenic wrote:Count down finished but nothing changed on the page to allow ordering?
Refreshed a few time but didn't see anything obvious.There's still over 16 hours left.
Mine says 3.5 hours. i'm guessing the widget references your PCs clock without taking timezones and stuff into account
36 Apr 9, 2015 4:11 am
Re: Internet Enabled Gameboy Link Cable (4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
could use some sort of internet time service to aid with the sync?
this time server synchronizes with an atomic clock and has an accuracy of 20-100ms, depending on your connection - http://time.is/about
37 Feb 25, 2015 5:00 pm
Re: FOR SALE CHEAP : RANDOM STUFF (15 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I'll buy all of that, will you ship to AU?
38 Feb 11, 2015 2:30 am
Re: bennvenn cart first impression (13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
i had a bit of a play with one of these carts recently and i liked what i saw
39 Dec 1, 2014 12:31 am
Re: Korg DSN-12 (46 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
oh awesome, i didn't see that yesterday. cheers mate!
DEC 19 for AU / NZ
40 Nov 30, 2014 4:13 pm
Re: Chiptune Rap Thread (28 replies, posted in General Discussion)
i played a fucking loose house party on friday night with my DMGs and OP-1
i was pretty buckled so there's some funny LSDJ fuckups in there, but yeah i just dropped chip bass and grime vocals for like an hour
the recording is a bit rough and you can hear people dropping nangs all over the floor during the first half but yeah maybe this is of interest?
41 Nov 30, 2014 1:02 pm
Re: Korg DSN-12 (46 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
does anyone know when this will be available on the AU store?
42 Nov 18, 2014 3:10 am
Re: JME is a chiptuner (14 replies, posted in General Discussion)
how good is JME tho
43 Nov 14, 2014 12:46 am
Re: LSDJ GameBoy Cartridge (37 replies, posted in Trading Post)
hmm might grab one, just did some reading on your site, seems legit! Is the cart reader/writer also available?
44 Oct 29, 2014 8:25 am
Re: Study into chiptunes fandom. (54 replies, posted in General Discussion)
this thread feels familiar
45 Oct 28, 2014 3:03 pm
Re: LoFi SES (65 replies, posted in General Discussion)
this thing sucks and it makes me feel sad
i'm bothered by how strongly i dislike this repugnant assortment of atoms
46 Oct 24, 2014 4:00 pm
Re: New style of Chip rap (29 replies, posted in Collaborations)
looking forward to it! checking out some stuff on your channel, sounds pretty tight man (Y)
sure you don't wanna do any harder stuff? this is the kind of thing i've been doing lately but i've just been using grime acapellas ;P - https://soundcloud.com/atomsmasha/atoms rops-vol-1
hmu if you dig it!
47 Oct 22, 2014 1:14 pm
Re: Chaos Tracker (Open Source) (336 replies, posted in Sega)
the chiptune scene delivers again
bravo sir!
48 Oct 16, 2014 11:42 am
Re: What is Hally doing? (8 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)
atomsmasha wrote:we have the technology
So, you'd have to use an eprom in a VRC7 equipped cart to do that? How does one even find one of those carts?!
might not exist, could have been self/custom-built?