(98 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Im pming you


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I dont want to be a dick but I would get the triangle one if they didnt costed more money than a regular spaniard makes a day. Sick art tho

katsumbhong wrote:
Alpine wrote:

sorry, call me a noob, but couldn't you dump the save with a physical cart flasher (e.g. Jazz's) or would that not work?

If the cart that is being made is flashable.

You can't just stick in any gameboy cart into a flasher and flash stuff into it.

isnt he talking about the sav data? I cant flash a gbcamera but i dump my pictures every now and then

Does someone already tried this? Imwondering, if the sav data is readable Id like to get a few lsdj's..


(24 replies, posted in Collaborations)



(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I dont wanna be mean but if you find a lack of motivation to do music, don't. Thats applicable to any form of art. Theres already way too many of us.


(28 replies, posted in Audio Production)

Saskrotch wrote:

boycott on all non lsdj 3.1 or under tracks


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Carfie wrote:

Lol well its not. My mum showed me a C64 when I was only 3 years old and I fell in love with Snoopy and Ghostbusters ;p.
Good old times. Never stopped playing ever since.

I am a musician for 29+ years then. Im 28 XD

Welcome again!


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Welcome and all, but a gamer for 28+ being 31 sounds kinda impossible.


(86 replies, posted in Releases)

if only it wasnt a cd! sounds awesome


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

I like being quoted as nice. 9-heart, join us next time! This needs moar euroheads smile

nitro2k01 wrote:

I'm even hoping to sell this as a cartridge in the future



(8 replies, posted in Releases)

Why the fuck noone has replied yet? Are you guys deaf?


(106 replies, posted in General Discussion)

xXDarkShadowXx wrote:

It's a long story..

Back when i was 10 years old, i used to collect Magic the Gathering cards.
One day, i decided to look thought my collection and found an amazing looking card called DarkRitual and that's who i became for a little while.

Then, at 14 years old, i used to hang on a hacking forum selling fake Windows CD-Key to counterfeiters. (Pretty ballsy right?)
I made a lot of money and a lot of enemies this way so i decided to change my username to xXDarkShadowXx but, some people tracked me down and i had to abandon the website.

The years passed, i felt in love with programming, decided start fighting the good fight using unethical techniques and am now known as Angel_of_Justice.

So, whenever i wanna register on a website, i either use :

1. A randomly generated one if i don't give two crap about it and just wanna ask a question.
2. darkritual or xXDarkShadowXx when i think I'm gonna stick around.
3. Angel_of_Justice when I'm releasing tools.

Black mana and selling keys to greedy people.

kudos for consistency


(20 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

So Mac version doesnt work? sad


(106 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Calavera wrote:

Sure i'll bite.
In the Mexican Día de los Muertos festival, Calaveras are used to decorate shrines to honour friends and family who have passed away. The festival is a celebration of people that have finished their lifespan, much like the dilapidated technology we all use (and bring back from the dead) to make music on. To celebrate with, even.

You know, calavera is just A skull, not a mexican (sigh) day of the dead skull...

(Dont get me wrong, I dig your screen name lots wink   )