(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Crap XD


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

Thanks man! smile

EDITED: I think Im gonna beg you guys to buy it so I can get a new DMG, I just found my backup one died after last weekend gig hmm


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

We had a party at a retrogaming event last weekend to release this ep

http://superbustysamuraimonkey.bandcamp … r-twoobies

its available on a frankly gorgeous blue cd (pics are coming) we're selling at future shows and all, and stremed on bandcamp.

I abuse slices and samples over lsdj, I dont know if its everybody cup of tea, but we try our best.


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Is it possible then to put a sgb inside a dmg shell? I mean, isnt the processor supposed to be faster and all?


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pink-TAMAGOTCHI … 5645f47694 that would be cheap


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I made mine myself, the grey bars say "sbsm" and "This fucking side out" (or this side fucking out, I suck at grammar).


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Its a pink tamagotchi shell Timbob found for ubercheap for me at eBay ages ago (thanks again mate!) with lsdj3.9 on it and a sticker with a nude girl and crosses and shit.

TLDR lsdj


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)


I have a feeling that you're a Justice fan.

Not really. If youre thinking on the crosses its just TNBM jokes. (I liked the first album though)


dang, you've got your merch situation sorted!

Haha yes! we sold a few records actually

DogTag wrote:

¿Dónde fue? Soy español también. Por curiosidad : ) ¡Espero que fuera bien!
Where was that? I'm Spanish too. Just for the shake of curiosity : ) I hope it was cool!

// Spanish stuff about the location//
En las afueras de madrid, Parla, en este evento http://parlabytes.webs.com/

Se supone que para primeros de año estaremos tocando en madrid centro de todos modos

It was great man! Not many people but enough to fill the place and all. Sound sucked but Im used to that stuff. SO MUCH.


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Yay yay yay.

The sound wasnt as good as I would had wanted but we had a blast and people went crazy (it was a retrogaming convention so they were kinda easy to impress). Someone must have videos so I guess Ill have them soon.


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hi guys.

You might never heard of my old bands because they were spanish punk and they sucked. I had two 7" released in the last 5 years, I toured the country and whatnot.

However, tommorrow I'll be playing with this nickname for the first time (and I've been using it for years, ironically) and I'm fucking dying. I played drums on hc bands, guitar on artsy shit, sang at some ridiculous pop band, played bass in a postpunk one, but its the first DMG I take to a stage. Serisouly, I cant wait for the next 16 hours.

Wish me luck or "lol what a n00b, first gig". I packed everything already.


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

roboctopus wrote:
SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:

¿Could someone explain a lil bit on the aliens commands? Im experimenting a bit with em on the wave channel but I get no clue wtf Im doing.

Here's a tutorial I wrote on F commands:  http://www.noisechannel.org/4824

Thanks mate, now i understand it


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

¿Could someone explain a lil bit on the aliens commands? Im experimenting a bit with em on the wave channel but I get no clue wtf Im doing.


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Heosphoros wrote:

Why would you need more than one gameboy?

In a forum called chipMUSIC I have a very few ideas for needing more than one Gameboy...


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

You're addicted the very moment you keep buying them KNOWING you dont need more.

This said, I think I need another dmg


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Forget it: asked Apeshit to build me one.

You know I want one for december! Ill let you know, tho