Guys, we already know that everything on MAKE Magazine is poorly made, ugly looking junk.
33 Jul 23, 2010 12:37 am
Re: " The Humane Reader: A $20 'computer' " (19 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
34 Jul 13, 2010 11:12 pm
Re: Dream Programs/apps for chip (105 replies, posted in General Discussion)
An open-source, cheap, non-reprogrammable GameBoy cartridge design. I figure most people who use the GameBoy as a music medium only use one or two different applications, so it makes more sense to own one or two $25 non-reprogrammable cartridges with the necessary apps loaded rather than a $60 reprogrammable cartridge which the user might only program once. It's actually a project I'm thinking about doing myself.
35 Jul 8, 2010 8:34 pm
Re: For Sale: ArduinoBoys (106 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Just a reminder that I have 2 ArduinoBoys just lounging about ready to find a new home. I think I may be close to saturating the market, so after I finish these final 15 I think I may be done. It's time to be looking at a new project.
As usual, you can find them here: arduinoboy
36 Jun 23, 2010 3:27 pm
Re: For Sale: ArduinoBoys (106 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Nine of the 14 ArduinoBoys have been sold. Eight of the nine are being shipped today, with one still awaiting an e-check to clear. There are 5 ArduinoBoys still up for grabs.
EDIT: scratch that. Ten have been sold and nine are being shipped today. There are 3 left. If you can order in the next two hours, I recommend you do so, as your ArduinoBoy will go out today.
37 Jun 20, 2010 2:07 am
Re: For Sale: ArduinoBoys (106 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Fourteen ArduinoBoys are ready to go. As usual, you can get them here. An additional 15 will be built as soon as I receive some more GameLink Cables from Nonfinite. They will be shipped as soon as possible.
38 Jun 18, 2010 2:08 am
Re: Gilberti Industries Defective Product Notice (18 replies, posted in General Discussion)
An email has just been sent to all the addresses I have on record. I strongly urge anyone with an affected unit to attempt to repair it themselves. If you cannot, contact me so that we can arrange for you to ship it back (at your expense, I'm afraid) so I can repair it. I will ship it back to you at my expense.
39 Jun 16, 2010 7:40 pm
Re: Gilberti Industries Defective Product Notice (18 replies, posted in General Discussion)
The one on the left depicts the way they were wired. The one on the right shows how they should be wired. Just switch the red and green wires on the MIDI out socket and everything will work just fine. Don't switch the wires at the board, as this will mess with the color coordination (red=positive voltage, black=ground, green=data), but more importantly, unless you have a dedicated desoldering tool, you will not be able to get the wires back into the holes after you remove them.
40 Jun 16, 2010 2:41 am
Re: Gilberti Industries Defective Product Notice (18 replies, posted in General Discussion)
no offense, but didn't you test your units before you shipped them?
I did, I just didn't test that particular feature. I didn't know how to at the time. Turns out it is as simple as connecting the MIDI in and out on my computer simultaneously to the ArduinoBoy to make sure the same MIDI data comes back. All future units will be tested in this manner.
can you post a picture of the arduinoboy with arrows pointing towards the wires i have to switch?
Sure thing. First thing after work tomorrow.
41 Jun 6, 2010 2:30 am
Re: game boy homebrew tutorial (for software and cart development) (14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Fascinating read. Gave me a few ideas for future projects.
42 Jun 5, 2010 8:07 pm
Re: SHOW ME THE BIKES YOU RIDE!!!!!!! (91 replies, posted in General Discussion)
43 May 31, 2010 12:24 am
Re: For Sale: ArduinoBoys (106 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Big. Ginormous. Oops.
44 May 31, 2010 12:21 am
Topic: Gilberti Industries Defective Product Notice (18 replies, posted in General Discussion)
As some of you posted in my ArduinoBoys for Sale topic in the Trading Post, you were having problems getting the MIDI out and thru on your ArduinoBoys to work. It appears that I read Trash80's original ArduinoBoy schematic incorrectly, believing the picture to depict the front of the DIN-5 socket when in fact it depicted the back. The MIDI data wire and a 5V wire first passed through a 220 ohm resistor are switched, rendering the ArduinoBoy's MIDI out and MIDI thru capabilities useless. For those of you willing to do a little soldering, all you have to do is switch the red and green wires on the DIN-5 socket farthest from the GameBoy Link Cable. This only affects owners of the Gilberti Industries ArduinoBoy, specifically those of you who have bought one of the first 39. This will not affect future versions. I am truly sorry about this: it was an amateurish goof on my part that would have been caught sooner if I had properly tested the thru feature in the first place. Stay tuned for details on a potential recall and replacement/repair program.
45 May 10, 2010 11:44 pm
Re: LOUDER ! (18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Sony makes these sound-canceling headphones you may want to try out. Model MDR-NC6. Just remember, you get what you pay for. It deadens surrounding noise, it doesn't eliminate it completely. There's also a slight hiss when the sound-canceling circuit is turned on.
46 May 10, 2010 6:56 am
Re: For Sale: ArduinoBoys (106 replies, posted in Trading Post)
As you may have noticed, I haven't offered any more ArduinoBoys for a while. What happened was my course work got out of hand and I had to shift my priorities. In the past two months I have finished only one ArduinoBoy. I will be out of school very soon for the summer and will resume building and selling ArduinoBoys shortly.
And remember, if you get impatient, there is nothing stopping you from building your own.
EDIT: I would also like to apologize for my continued failures in communication: the ten or so of you who have sent me emails and private messages over the past two months. I have no excuse.
47 May 8, 2010 8:16 pm
Re: SMILETRON - Control (21 replies, posted in Releases)
Should I download it for free, or should I help pay your electric bill?
48 May 7, 2010 11:52 pm
Re: gameboy mod feasibility check... (14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
The answer is to rebuild the GameBoy from the processor up. Reverse engineer the GameBoy's custom Z80 processor, recreate it in an FPGA, and modify to your hearts content, in this case, assign each sound channel to a different pin. Of course, this is only an option if you are a glutton for punishment who doesn't mind spending at least 6 months on a project.