(39 replies, posted in Releases)

Saskrotch wrote:

those guys showed up to a house party i was playin with anamanaguchi / starscream / bud melvin, refused to pay to get in, and then spent the whole time on the back porch and not listening to the music

also their music is bland frat rock, they have nothing to do with this scene and they are not good.

That rumor again...

IFightDragons @ 8bitcollective wrote:

First of all, neither myself nor my band members were anywhere near the Tacoskull party in August.  This thread is the first I've heard about any 'shit' going down, since none of us were in attendance.  The only time I've ever been there was for this show: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuse … =476634925  which was fun and for which I and my girlfriend happily paid the entrance donation.  I talked with Kevin (ESC) and Tacopunch, and they seemed like cool guys.  No clue where these other rumors came from, we actually had a radio appearance that night out in Naperville.

http://8bitcollective.com/forums/viewto … 17#p293717


(39 replies, posted in Releases)

I know not all of you guys here like I Fight Dragons, but they do subscribe to the chip aesthetic and are thus, at least in my eyes, a chiptune band whose releases should be reported.  That, and I do enjoy their stuff (fanboy disclaimer).

Cool is Just a Number is a re-release of their self-published EP by the same name, this time released under Photo Finish Records, a subdivision of Atlantic.  It includes one new song, "Don't You", and many of the other songs have been retouched slightly.  If you aren't completely sold on the new album, you can listen to it for free on their website.  Just click on the music tab.  The player is at the bottom.  If you like what you hear, the whole album can be had from the iTunes Music Store for the very reasonable price of US$5.99, or directly from them for a dollar less.

Note: Parental Advisory Warning.  One or two strong words in "Don't You" and "Money", otherwise clean.


(20 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

Project selected: none of the above.

I'm going to be working on a research project with my school's IEEE chapter.  We're going to be connecting an accelerometer to a glove and an Arduino, the Arduino will pass accelerometer measurements to a computer running Pure Data (the free, open-source equivalent of Max), and Pure Data will then perform musical commands in response.  For instance, a bongo beat motion with your hand will generate a drum strike sound, its volume dependent on the strength of the air slap.


(274 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(250 replies, posted in Past Events)

I was invited as a vendor.  Would have cost me $400 for a train ticket and a sleeping car one way.  While I was still thinking about whether I was going to go, I was rather excited about the possibility of going to my first chiptune show.  Really sad to see this fell through.


(106 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Sold out.  Will be stocking more soon.  I'll ship them all out before the weekend.


(106 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Due to cash flow problems, 4 ArduinoBoys are ready for purchase immediately.  Prices have been adjusted for PayPal fees.  First come, first serve.  More will be available shortly.

http://sites.google.com/site/gilbertiin … arduinoboy


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

herr_prof wrote:

Here's a tip: Try using a barbell on a regular basis .. weakling

Try wearing some sunscreen, lobster-boy.


(106 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Well, here's the problem: the BBB and the RBBB are designed specifically for use in solderless breadboards.  They do not have the Arduino shield pin arrangement, so they cannot be plugged into the MIDI shield you have there.  Also, the shield uses a few of the pins the ArduinoBoy app needs to run.  According to the schematic, those two potentiometers are connected to A0 and A1, which need to be connected to the link cable instead.  Your best bet would be to buy a standard Arduino like this one, a prototype shield, and the rest of the parts piece-wise (6 LEDs, a button, 7 2kΩ resistors, the optoisolator, the diode, 2 220Ω resistors, a 270Ω resistor, the sockets, and some wire to connect it all together).

Shoot me an email if you have any other questions.

OxygenStar wrote:

scienceguy8 you posted this elsewhere and its not my track, thats the previous gamestop ad.. its j aurther keenes' song.. the newest commercial hasnt aired yet...

No wonder I couldn't find this under your name here or at 8bc!  Oops!

It appears that the original song was removed from the 8bc Music Repository shortly after it was chosen for the commercial spot.  Another reason for the miss-attribution.


(35 replies, posted in General Discussion)

CMDR wrote:

my name is James Taylor
I'm sick of hammon organ jokes.
should I change my name?

No.  You share the same name as a famous American folk singer.  That should be reason enough not to change your name.

Subway Sonicbeat wrote:

I'm thinking why nobody covered that Buggles song "Video killed the radio star".

http://8bitcollective.com/music/druyu/V … adio+Star/


(106 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Yep, that's the one, but practically anything that comes in an 8 pin DIP (dual inline pin) package with "6N138" stamped on it will work.


(106 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I buy most, if not all, of my parts from Mouser.  The current ArduinoBoy uses Mouser part number 512-6N138: Fairchild Logic Output Optocouplers' 6N138 optoisolator.


(106 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Parts ordered for next batch.  Mouser was completely out of ATMega328Ps, so I had to order from two different suppliers.  Thirty-three ArduinoBoys are on the way.  Certainly you guys will be content after 33?