Changed topic title so as not to open a new topic, since both things are related.
321 Dec 28, 2012 7:16 pm
Re: MGB Backlight: European modder? (5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
322 Dec 28, 2012 10:51 am
Re: WTB: GBA SP frontlight component, or broken system for parts (11 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Nap, my problem is that I positioned it vertically. I'll try to cut that plastic sheet you said, and position it horizontally. Hopefully I won't screw it up and it'll work. Thanks!
323 Dec 27, 2012 7:54 pm
Re: WTB: GBA SP frontlight component, or broken system for parts (11 replies, posted in Trading Post)
How did you managed to frontlit the CGB fine? I did the mod but the screen looks dark although lit. I think it's a question of putting it vertical while it should be horizontal. How did you do it?
Sorry for the offtopic, but I have a CGB opened for this for a few months now...
324 Dec 25, 2012 11:19 pm
Re: MGB Backlight: European modder? (5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
You might want to keep a few spare mgb's on hand, it's not too hard to get a few with bad cases for cheap online. They are handy to have in case you mess the screen up or if your main board flakes out. Consider it investing in your future
good luck.
Simple, but I didn't think of that myself. Thanks!
325 Dec 25, 2012 10:19 pm
Topic: MGB Backlight: European modder? (5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[Hi guys!
I recently got 2 MGBs (thumbs up for SBSM!) which aren't modded, and I was thinking about backlighting them. I tried to backlight a DMG already and made a mess because the two layers of the screen didn't came out together. I could finish it fine because I managed to get a spare front PCB. So the thing is I'm not sure about trying the mod on those MGBs myself... but otherwise I won't be using these guys for anything really, and that's a shame.
Apart from the tutorial on ASMretro, would you give me advice on that? And does anybody know of someone selling MGB's LCDs in case I break mine? xD]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] (OLD TOPIC TITLE)
By any chance is there someone in Europe (or at least as close to Spain as possible) who could make this mod on the MGBs for me?
326 Dec 24, 2012 11:29 am
Re: Welcome to CM.O! (Introduction Thread) (676 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Hello there!
I've already posted several times here, but haven't introduced myself properly. I'm Spanish and I love music, videogames and electronics. I used to hate electronic music, but then one day Chiptune came up and I got to love it. I love opening up things and so on, so I instantly fell in love with Game Boy modification, though I have to say I'm quite far from mastering anything yet. I also try to find some time for LSDJ once in a while.
I still have many things to learn, so this wonderful forum will be of much help. Hopefully one day I'll be able to give advice to newbies as well!
See you around!
327 Dec 22, 2012 10:14 pm
Topic: Chiptune on an old Amstrad PC? (3 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
Hi guys!
I've found I might still have an old Amstrad PC1512 laying around, and I was wondering if it would have any use for making music. I know nothing out of LSDJ, so any useful link or resource, in case this PC is usable, will be much appreciated.
328 Dec 22, 2012 5:57 pm
Re: Game Boy cartridges with enough SRAM for more than one game? (5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I've sadly found that I didn't bring my USB cable along with me this time, so I won't be able to try that until I get back home, but it looks like a fairly good solution, at least for the "playing multiple games at the same time" part. However it still doesn't work if you're using LSDJ on the same cart, if I understood it correctly. Despite that, thank you thebitman, this is really really useful for me too!
329 Dec 22, 2012 5:40 pm
Re: Game Boy cartridges with enough SRAM for more than one game? (5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I checked that out but is not what I'm looking for. Thank you anyways!
330 Dec 22, 2012 4:40 pm
Topic: Game Boy cartridges with enough SRAM for more than one game? (5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Hello everyone.
I was wondering if there are any Game Boy cartridges capable of having more than one save game stored at the same time. This is, for example, saving both LSDJ data and the savegame from a GB game simultaneously. I like to both play and compose in my DMG, and hate to have to change cartridge everytime, not to mention I can only play one game at a time.
331 Dec 17, 2012 5:14 pm
Re: carry bags for them gameboyz (40 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
332 Dec 16, 2012 10:55 pm
Re: Scratches, noises, and general feel of "filthyness" on LSDJ (23 replies, posted in Audio Production)
This is how it finally sounds without those clicks:
Thanks so much guys.
333 Dec 16, 2012 4:17 pm
Re: Scratches, noises, and general feel of "filthyness" on LSDJ (23 replies, posted in Audio Production)
Sounds like cool tap dancing routine. Just sayin'.
I'm going to have to leave this one to the pros. I honestly wouldn't bother about it. btjm. have you tried using an instrument with the envelope set to 33 in the instrument screen, without having to use the CMD column to change your E83 instrument to E33?
And the rest of the clicks were because of the same problem!
Thanks so much SketchMan3!
Now I ask myself: Then why are those commands there? If they produce such annoying clicks... Could it be a problem of the LSDJ version I'm currently using? (4.0.5)
EDIT: Thank you anyway kitsch (we overlapped!)
334 Dec 16, 2012 3:11 pm
Re: Scratches, noises, and general feel of "filthyness" on LSDJ (23 replies, posted in Audio Production)
@kitsch It says DMG-CPU-08
335 Dec 16, 2012 2:46 pm
Re: Scratches, noises, and general feel of "filthyness" on LSDJ (23 replies, posted in Audio Production)
I've revised my phrases one by one and I've found a good one example of what's happening.
This is one of the phrases on which that instrument 05 is going from a low envelope to a high one. It sounds like this:
Notice the terrible "clicking noise". That's exactly what I'm meaning.
Here's another pic of the instrument config, in case it helps:
336 Dec 16, 2012 2:08 pm
Re: Scratches, noises, and general feel of "filthyness" on LSDJ (23 replies, posted in Audio Production)
@calmdownkidder I do have an USB interface: M-audio Fast Track, and my GB has a pro sound mod already. The problem with my USB interface is that the only connection I could use for the GB, labeled as "instruments" (which is a guitar jack input) works differently from the mic input, and I can't figure out how to make the Pro Tools software record that input... I'll try today or tomorrow to do so with Audacity, I'll come back with the result.