goto80 wrote:

There was an interview before the show with the question "Why do you use old computers?" which I answered with "Why do you use new computers?".

Never thought chipmusic could be mixed in this way. Beautiful.

The difference is clearly noticeable! Congratulations!
Is the capacitor a polarized one?
And the point indicated with an arrow refers to the big capactor lead on the other side? : S


(31 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Solarbear wrote:

Draw a nice sine WAV an then cut a little notch in the WAV for some sweet distortion sound.



(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

PM in a sec

I have, but high prices -.-
If there's a chance someone get it as cheap as herr_prof says and send it to me, that'd be awesome.

herr_prof wrote:

I see them at used game stores for less than $5.

Dear god, the cheapest I've seen is 15 bucks online and everything on the US, no shipping to Spain.... -.-

kitsch wrote:

they are usually on amazon, or appear there regularly for not too much

How much are they usually out for? Just to know if I find a good deal : P

And now we're asking: Has any other similar method to Mega Memory cartridge appeared? These seem difficult and expensive to find : (

kitsch wrote:

the camera ROM, last time i checked, doesn't run correctly.  most likely because the lack of the correct hardware.  on a 64M cart at least.

So Mega Memory is the only way... Shame. Thank you kistch!

Sorry for commenting on this old thread. I just wanted to know if up to now it is possible or not to load the GB camera ROM on an EMS 64M cartridge and transfer the photos from a GB with the GBC to there.

Cool : P Could you recover the track afterwards?

Catf1sh wrote:

There you go.

Thank you very much! Still, the second one is virtually useless : O

Yeah you're right. I was trying to save myself some time in case someone had something good bookmarked or something.

nickmaynard wrote:

tell me which sites you've already checked out so i don't send you something you've already seen.

None yet, and thanks for your interest.

Don't know about the first link because I haven't read it through (don't know what Substractive synthesis is either), but the Game Boy thing I meant the general electronics, not just the sound hardware specifically


I'm very interested in getting to know the technical electronic details of the DMG, and was wondering if anyone knows any good article or tutorial about that.

Apart from that, I'm falling in love with the sound of analog synths, but I find I cannot really understand what each filter does, just because I don't know what the names stand for. So same thing here, any tutorial or article about this?

Thank you in advance.

EDIT: Found a nice analog synthesis tutorial series, if someone's interested: … synthesis/