Can't wait to try it big_smile


(68 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

barbeque wrote:

god I want one of those so fucking bad. do you have the resources to test the midi? I'm very curious how well the midi in works.

What I'm lacking now is a MIDI cable, but be sure that I'll plug it to my piano as soon as I get it!
I don't know if that's what you want to know about or DAW sync and such.


(68 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

The Bass is here!!

I still haven't played much with it, but the hour or so I've used it has given me a very good impression. The sound is quite good! Well, at least in my opinion (take into account this is my first synth ever).

By the way, does anyone know how to change the notes that play when you press the different keys? I heard you can switch between fifths, scales, and things like that.

In a sec!

Mine arrived today!


This is like killing history.


(34 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Glitch Militia wrote:

You guys are really missing out. It's the MONOTRIBE where it's at.

If you have an extra $100 to spare...


(34 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:

Dogtag, build two, you now I want one

I love how fast you change your mind.


(34 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

ashimoke wrote:

There are mods for midi in - you basicaly only need CV and gate and those solder pads are labeled on monotron pcb. You can even buy a kit.

You can get the kit here:

OK this must be the best discovery in the month. I've been looking for a way to send MIDI-IN  to the monotron for ages and didn't find ANYTHING!
Do you know of any tutorial/documentation in English about this? Also, I see that is a japanese website. Can we buy directly from there?

If you could change that ribbon controller for a MIDI keyboard or something similar, these guys would be awesome. Being impossible to tune your performance, makes them lose a lot...
I've got the Delay and simple one (which I wish I had left in the shop and taken the Duo instead).


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

The GB micro is not the best option for LSDJ. Apart from the inferior sound quality in comparison with the other models, you are forced to emulate LSDJ with Goomba, which is, in my experience, a pain.

If you'd like to stay as portable as possible but still use LSDJ, I'd say get a GBA SP and a GB USB SC 64M. The cart will stick out of the console, but I think that's the "smallest", useful way of running LSDJ. Also, if you happen to go further one day and get a DMG or a Pocket, you'll have the 64M cart with you already ; )

As for recording, the cheapest, easiest (but also dirtiest) way is getting a mini-jack to mini-jack cable and plug the line-out of your console to the recording line-in of your computer's sound card, then record in Audacity or whatever program you prefer.

Hope this helps! Welcome to LSDJ! : )


(22 replies, posted in Releases)

seal of quality wrote:
DogTag wrote:

Awesome! Getting one right now.

EDIT: How to order one? It seems that they only post to national adresses...


Instructions for overseas customers are here :

Thanks a lot!


(22 replies, posted in Releases)

Awesome! Getting one right now.

EDIT: How to order one? It seems that they only post to national adresses...

irrlichtproject wrote:

- Always comment your code. In the beginning, it's a good idea to comment every line. After a few days of not looking at it, even the most well-written asm code tends to present itself as an inprenetrable jungle.

This should be tattooed in our hands.

Loving it!!

Neither can I.