I just made a payment also, cheers


(59 replies, posted in Atari)

Fantastic!  I had half built a midi interface for synthcart but this is much more interesting.  The one thing that let synthcart down was the drum limitations, as you only had preset patterns at a very limited set of tempos.  Could you reveal how the samples work?  I see there is sample data in the teensy code, does that mean its not stored in the atari rom?  would it be possible to do custom samples?

My understanding is they are 8 bit samples with a maximum sample length of 625 samples, and presumably the limit to the number of samples depends on number of midi notes left and amount of code left for the arduino.

Fantastic thanks its all sorted now.  At first it wasnt working as the newer m4l editor wasnt passing midi notes through the effect, even though version 1 would.  Connected midi in to midi out within the m4l device and it resolved the issue.  Dont know why it was only happening to me though, is everybody else having separate ableton midi tracks for the midi notes and m4l editor?

Mine arrived this morning, uk post.   Been having a little play and I'm very happy with it.  But can somebody please provide me with the latest m4l tools?  The link on post 1 and sebs blog post (http://little-scale.com/GENMDM/GENMDM_1 … 02_M4L.zip) is dead - 404 Error File Not Found, although v101 is downloadable so I can have a bit of a play at least, but I want to to use the import function to get a better grasp on how a patch is constructed

eptheca wrote:
yogi wrote:

The panel looks good! Are you using FPD?

No, not for this.
I use a CAD software called Microstation
I have used FPD for the panels I have bought from FPE, or Schaeffer here in Europe, but it gets very expensive
Lately I have laser cut front panels in a black&white engraving acrylic, it has a white core with a thin black top layer

Thanks for that!  a hackspace has just opened nearby and I've been playing with the laser cutter, wanted a nice way to etch panels for my DIY modular synth and what you've described is EXACTLY what I need

herr_prof wrote:

Is there enough room in a nomad to internally mount the board? Or a genesis?

I would be very surprised, there was barely the room for me to replace the Nomads screen with a modern LCD and that was only a few mms thicker.  Couldnt tell you about genesis but I think that is far more likely.

Seb, thank you so much for all your work on this, its great to see you are developing it further and I am so glad I can go laptop free now you have added DIN in.  I cannot wait until I get mine!

I see  "GenMDM is currently not available for preorder." - batch number 2 is moving forward then. 

As for the postage issues, seeing as people are still wondering where theirs is I'm not worried.  But everyone who is waiting, can we all make a deal with eachother?  Let us know on here when you get them, and where you are located - then we can all figure out when to worry lol

Seb, I would be interested in knowing an answer to Aly James' question also.  I know my Meeblip would freak out some times when i was automating it too much and that was a single voice.  But then it is also doing the math to generate the waves, and I imagine GenMDM is less processor intensive.  I suppose if it is really an issue you can reduce the refresh rate within the M4L editors tho, or get a second one - oh wait I am

Was worried you were going to be spending money on incorrect gear as the current firmware on the ucapps build pages are PIC only.  Didnt realise the LPC firmware is now in beta for the next generation of MIDIboxes - until only a few weeks ago they were only using LPCs for the seqv4 lite project (seriously recommend that project too).  Now I've seen the MIDIboxNG I would definitely splash out on an LPC core - higher I/O count, motorized fader and multiple screen support.  I want!  Gah, yet more projects to eat my money and time.

GURU is nice - I love the user tools that are coming out for renoise since they added user scripting.  I have M4L so thats not an issue for me, but I do think it would be nice to have alternatives.  The main thing I'm fishing for though is to be PC free, I've been enjoying being 100% hardware when playing out live but I really want to use my genMDM in my set and seems a little overkill to bring my laptop just to  drive a single instrument

Not wanting to shoot you down but the midibox control logic for the midibox yamaha opl3 is the equivalent of what Seb has done with GenMDM but with a later generation FM chip.  Id recommend that project (provided youre brave enough to attempt soldering/desoldering a surface mount OPL3) if you want a DIY FM synth, but I dont think any code would be transferable to GenMDM.  Seb wants control over his code anyway.

What I had in mind was simply a dedicated MIDI controller that sits between your sequencer and the GenMDM - pretty much the MIDIbox64.   I had an Arduino in mind simply because it seems to be the most popular in DIY microcontrollers, but the supporting circuitry and pseudo code would be applicable to pretty much any microcontroller.  In fact MIDIbox projects use the same technique to scan pot values, the analog in AIN boards have 4 4051 analog multiplexers on a board. 

A 4051 multiplexer/demultiplexer allows you to route 8 analog signals down a single line, by giving each of these 8 data lines an address.  You can only read one line at a time, but you switch between each address faster than a human will perceive, so we see it as all being read at the same time.  The output of the 4051 would be connected to an analog input on the microcontroller, as well as the address lines. 

The pseudo code would be:
select address 0, read analog input.  scale analog value range to parameter value range. 
If parameter value is not previous parameter value, change to new value and print to MIDI output and LCD.
Select address 1, read, etc.

MIDIbox is lovely in many ways, I'm working on my second MIDIbox SID now.  I'm not sure a MIDIbox64 device would actually be able to provide control over every function, but i've not built a MIDIbox64 so I'm not certain.  It certainly will get close to the 64 analog inputs limit, I'd have to look carefully at all the parameters first to be sure.  There are over 100 CCs to change so probably wouldnt be feasible to have 1 knob/button per function, and so I was thinking of having separate pages for each operator (eg. cutting the operator control knob requirements from 36 to 9). I dont know if you can get MIDIbox to allow one knob to have different functions, depending on the state of digital inputs.

The best advice I an offer is to get talking to people over on the MIDIbox forums, they will be best able to help and are very active and friendly.  I suspect the LPC core will be the wrong thing for this for this project, I think you need to go with a PIC18F.

As it stands now you will NEED something like M4l to make it truly functional, and you will definitely need a computer.  Building a controller using something like Blue Cat's Remote Control would allow you similar functionality with other DAWs. Either that or you will need to keep a list of all the parameters to refer to and enter MIDI CCs manually.  Please note this is not a littlescale criticism, this is about how each DAW deals with external synth's MIDI CCs - being able to create controllers with max4live has changed the way I produce music.  I have built controllers that allow me to use most of my external synths in just the same way as I use my Access Virus TI, and I barely use VSTis these days.

Another option, if/when standard DIN MIDI in be implemented is the possibility of a dedicated hardware controller.  It would be very easy to do with a few 4051 analog multiplexers, pots/switches, LCD screen, MIDI in/out ports and an Arduino.  Niche I know, for an already pretty niche product but I will probably end up building one and making the design/code/board layout available to others if we get a standard DIN MIDI in, its just a modification of other controllers I've built

I'm UK based and its not arrived here yet.  Once you think about xmas shipping increase, xmas/new year public holidays its not unreasonable for it to take 2 months.  I got my email around 15th November so I'll be worrying on the 22nd.

TSC, what are you stuck on?  There isnt really a need for a manual.  Have you installed the max4live devices?  Have you seen the basic hardware and software setup video on his blog/YouTube?  Beyond that setup the rest is all down to you.  If you are struggling to use it then perhaps you need to do some research into FM synthesis.  Even if you watched some videos on for example Roland DX7 programming or Native instruments FM8 techniques the principles are the same.  As for saving presets, this is down to you capturing the MIDI CCs you have edited.  One way to do this so you no longer need to be running Ableton would be to record the MIDI coming from the channel with M4L on it, and export this MIDI file to another DAW.

eptheca wrote:

Has anyone from nov.16 shipment received theirs?
Anyone in Scandinavia / Europe have a shipping time from earlier shipments?
Just wondering if I need to "put out an APB" for it yet smile

I'm in the UK, not got mine yet.  I missed something in the post today, I have to go collect it from the post office tomorrow.  It could be my interface, but I do have a few xmas presents on the way.  Last time I ordered something from AU it took 6 weeks, and it wasnt xmas time then.  I'd wait a while longer before chasing it, it is on the other side of the world after all!

if its going the pre-programmed avr route I think most people would be fine with just the chip, schematic and perhaps a breadboard layout.  With the arduino at least, all other required components you can pick up at any electronics shop.  The only issue ive had with some microcontrollers is sourcing correct inductors when needed, or occasional  crystals or resonators.

I think alot of people would appreciate this mod, and it would allow you to retain complete control over the code.  Thanks for mulling it over - I also love having moments of electronic inspiration come to me in dreams.

Its a good thing I asked then!  Its not a problem, its your project and I understand wanting some control over it.  I have a cnc milling machine so I can make my own PCBs (not exactly fab house grade boards, but its fine for my own use or prototyping).  I was basically going to build exactly what you've got there in the pic, barebone arduino board with an optoisolator on the serial in.  I can understand exactly why you went the teensy/usb route, most people are laptop musicians and want as few cables as possible so having power and serial down a single usb is much tidier. 

But if you were to do an optional extra board, with standard midi din in I'm pretty sure you would get some interest.  The question is whether there would be enough interest for a fab house run, which was why I was going to go the modding route.  Its not a deal clincher, I can go with my web book if I'm using the megadrive but its definitely something I'm interested in in the future, and sounds like e.s.c. and eptheca would be too.

Hey Seb, I've just ordered a second one.  The first is still in the post, but I'm sure it'll arrive any day now. 

I know you've been using the teensy for the usb interface.  I dont have any experience with it myself but I'm using the arduino and mbed microcontrollers alot so I should be able to pick it up.  Just wondering how you feel about me modding the hardware and/or code?  Not for resale of course, and anything I did that was fully functional I would make available to everyone else.  I'm just hoping to fit a 5 pin din midi in, as i am MPC and HW synths only when I play live

email received, looking forward to having a play - hopefully just in time for my birthday, if not then il consider it my xmas present to myself