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Topics by lastfuture
Posts found: 161-176 of 235
Thanks. Yeah I didn't think it was easy. The width is not a problem, there are no electronics there so I could mill them away.
The missing hole is also a solvable thing. I could use a dremel to get rid of the plastic part of the case holding the screw and just glue everything together with Cyanacrylate.
But the thickness... Would it be possible to sand some of the backside away to make it thinner? Does anyone know how deep the electronics sit?

P.S.: Whoa I just realized my Felix the Cat is a counterfeit.
I find while the new PCB look of nanoloop 1.6 to be very nice its new form factor is not being kind to me. My main problem is that while sliding the board into the slot it often catches the sides of the slot with one of the sharp corners and jams. Not only would putting it in a cartridge make it easier to handle in that respect, it'll also not scratch up my Game Boy and it would be customizable with a color cartridge and a custom label.
So ... has anyone successfully transferred the nanoloop 1.6 PCB into a game cartridge?
I'm interested in an Arduinoboy ... sorry that I have to ask some noob questions. Is "custom board Arduinoboy" a special term in the scene that I'm not familiar with yet or does it just mean it's a custom PCB? Will it be pre-assembled or delivered with the parts as a kit? Also will it be with or without a case? (or made to fit something like a 4 player link box)
thebitman wrote:I don't know about anyone else, but I would love to see a DMG clone in this form factor come to light someday.
if with "come to light" you mean "get manufactured and sold for a reasonable price today" ... YES! Please!
Apparently nitro2k01 made a gallery of taking one of those "Game Fighter" Game Boy clones (the horizontal one) apart ... so I take he has one of them or has had access to one:
If you're reading, nitro, can you shed some info on this model? Perhaps you've already written something up.
I think even if they could be prosounded ... nobody would really want to put their soldering iron to something rare as fu..
How does BGB 1.4 compare to Gambatte? Has it surpassed its Sound emulation? (i.e. would it be worth to install Windows just for this?)
DotMatrix wrote:Making jazz chiptunes would be fucking amazing.
Well have you heard of kind of bloop?
Wizwars wrote:Dat bass AND dat speed.
That remark clearly shows me we have totally different understandings about what makes a good song, and listening to your tunes you uploaded here just confirms it. Decent music is not about speed, man.
SketchMan3 wrote:It'd be cool to see a game with a "modern" chiptune soundtrack for a change instead of just the retro-styled stuff. Just throwing that out there...
Do you mean like in the second half of the Edge trailer?
I want a case covered in terry cloth (machine washable please)
bryface wrote:take the case of 2 x LSDJ:
- more channels can make a song more impressive by virtue of thoughtful usage of the extra channels
- it can no longer be appreciated as a 1xLSDJ track
- BUT it can still be appreciated in a class of its own, with its own set advantages and limitations
- appreciation will increase over time as more listeners become familiar with the pros and cons of a 2xLSDJ setup.
You're giving listeners a lot of credit. I'll be going out on a limb here and claim that most listeners who are not also Game Boy composers (or at least musicians with technical know how of the platform) won't be able to tell that it was not made on one Game Boy simply by listening. Only the savviest ones will be able to say "meh but it wasn't a 1xLSDJ song... so screw it" if they even care. The average listener will be able to notice a richer soundscape and if it serves the particular song probably enjoy it, too.
Because the Game Boy was the only console I ever owned to this day and I played it well past the best before date, I can proudly say I carry lots of nostalgia for the Game Boy sound in my heart. I can understand that somebody can get worked up or be heart broken over adding stuff to his beloved sound, but to be honest, the spirit of Game Boy music can just as well be maintained with 2xLSDJ (or LSDJ plus any other instrumentation) as it can be violated with only two pulse channels, a wave channel and a noise channel. In the end it's supposed to be art and art can, will and must have the freedoms and restrictions it deems necessary to reach a certain goal. If your personal goal is to retain 100% authenticity over exploring ways to keep the spirit while enhancing possibility, that's up to you.
If you don't have a dish washer, after soaking I would scrub it with a nail brush along the grooves of the case and thoroughly where there is anything like the port names embossed in the plastic. I did this with a grey DMG that was fairly dirty, just with clear water and it worked great. Imagine what it would do in some soapy water using mild soap without bleach or abrasive components
Hi guys,
I want a black DMG battery door. I'm willing to buy or trade for my clear one. Ideally in Germany or Europe, but any offer would be fine. Hoping for a reasonable price.
I bought a black DMG and the description said "with battery cover" but what it didn't say is that the included cover is clear instead of black.
[obligatory question about mac version]
Thanks guys. "Different potentials" was the expression I was looking for. I'll do as you all say and leave the existing ground line connected.
How would I recognize if the ground is at the wrong potential? My gut tells me to look for a DC offset after recording, but I think the daughter board handles DC bias If I understand what this particular tutorial states:
You might be wondering why I chose this spot instead of directly to the jacks. And to answer this question, it's because there are output de-coupling caps on this board which will assure no dc-coupling issues with other gear.
Posts found: 161-176 of 235 / Forums / Posts by lastfuture