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Topics by lastfuture
Posts found: 81-96 of 235
Not sure if this has been addressed here but make sure to take into account that serial in and out are a twisted pair, meaning the pin that is serial in on one side of the plug connects to a different pin on the other side. When I measured I used the cable plugged into the DMG and this wiki entry
I ended up with this:

which you could use to measure while having it plugged in to reverse engineer the wire color to pin mapping. just keep in mind that 2 and 3 are flipped on the other side.
make sure you've changed the working directory to where the executable and the .dylib is using cd (if you're unsure if you're there, run "pwd" to check). To run it from within the directory you have to prepend "./" or else bash will try and look for it in any of the paths defined in $PATH. So your command should be "./nlmidi02" assuming you've downloaded the most recent version.
I've recently written down a step by step set of instructions for Mac OS 10.6 and newer here:
I'm dreaming of 16 (or is it 32?) additional cc messages on the wave channel adressing each individual sample of the waveform and thus creating the ability of sending entire waveforms via midi and automating wavetable sweeps or volume sweeps etc.
Please make this happen, who ever is or will be in control of mgb.
justinthursday wrote:How does one collaborate on a battery cover though? Just wondering 
Perhaps they took turns deciding which ridge should be how long.
Seriously though... are they going to be available in grey only or eventually also PiL colors? I could use a black one.
Here you go:

Anything spectacular on there? I can't tell.
Hey people, I found this oddity on ebay a few days ago and it arrived in the mail today for a buck. I thought I'd share the weirdness.

They're not even trying, there are so many things off! My favorite part besides the crazy ridge at the top is the _huge_ embossed arrow. Can't peel the white labels off without destroying the sticker below it so I'll probably never know what's on it. too bad. Thinking of transplanting the EMS cart into it, being all ghetto about it and just striking through the battletoads and writing LSDJ across it with sharpie 
What are the wildest looking bootleg carts you've come across?
can you insert one into a dmg and show us how they line up?
Why don't you put something in the hole that keeps its shape (putty or something) and measure that once you took it back out? ... also I think it's a standard plug. All universal power supplies that I've seen come with one piece that fits the original Game Boy (Game Boy Color is an entirely different story though). There must be a data sheet for this somewhere.
Is there anywhere where it isn't sold out and I can get one right now? I'd really like one thank you very much.
The mac command line tool works flawlessly on 10.8, I'm using it with no problems at all.
Here's a short step by step noob compatible set of instructions
Download the binaries and extract them.
Open Terminal from Applications/Utilities.
In Terminal type "cd" followed by a space, then drag and drop the directory containing the tool you just extracted onto the Terminal window, that will insert the path automatically. Press return. (The command should look something like "cd /Users/yourusername/Downloads/ems-flasher-0.03_macos_10.6/"). That will tell your command line to change the working directory to the one that contains the tool and what it needs to work.
To backup your sav, type "./ems-flasher --read filename.sav" replacing filename with what ever you want (but keep the .sav extension, it tells the tool you want to back up the save data and not the rom)
To flash a new rom onto the cartridge type "./ems-flasher --write --bank 1" ... change the number behind the --bank to 2 if you want to write to bank 2 (the one you get after powercycling the game boy). You can use drag and drop here too, to automatically insert the path to the rom you want to flash, or just copy the rom to the tool's directory and type its name.
You can autocomplete file names in the terminal by pressing tab. You can recall previous commands by pressing up so you can re-use them or edit them.
Hope that helped.
xray303 wrote:TeensyBoy is using USB Midi, that why i'm currently porting Arduinoboy on a Teensy (becoming a TeensyBoy).
Ah interesting. The nanoloop USB MIDI adapter is still my weapon of choice though because it is cheaper, preprogrammed and smaller, too.
Nizzemanden wrote:nobody does that to a LoZ cart. Skrillex is not worthy ._______.
Maybe it was one of the 26 gold Nintendo World Championships 1990 carts
Thanks for the tip with the arduinoboy but I want USB MIDI so I can use everything over one cable
Buying another squid type usb hub and hoping that one will have different wire or at least uncovered soldering points
I don't like Skrillex and will not like him after having played that game but the game is pretty cool.
Oh I wasn't suggesting to use the special pin as output but to use it to signal your internal circuit to switch the internal jack between prosound or regular operation. If you build a momentary toggle switch into a cart (e.g. the EMS cart) that would send 5V down that pin when depressed and you intercept that signal you can use it to toggle your internal switching circuit during runtime without modifying your case.
It's just a wild idea but I don't see a reason that would not work.
Thanks. Considering this is only the second mod I have actually completed (USB MIDI Audio DMG still pending completion) I take this as a big compliment 
Posts found: 81-96 of 235
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