midi muddy gb is something i've been thinking about recently
or a midi featured muddy gb that lets you play the wave channel, with customizable frames - yum
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by Sabrepulse
midi muddy gb is something i've been thinking about recently
or a midi featured muddy gb that lets you play the wave channel, with customizable frames - yum
there's usually some french house on the ones i've found - it ensures listening to something bearable before some drunk plonker decides to go through bryan adam's back catalog...
Sabrepulse wrote:Little MIDI controller
Nice video. I'm thinking about getting some music software for my Mac, which would be best; Ableton or Logic?
apples and oranges, they're two very different applications - it depends on what you want to do
Sabrepulse wrote:codswallop
Great word, or greatest word?
any visualist fancy earning £50 and a few pints to cover this on friday?
looking to someone to fill in for the guy we planned on having - sorry about the short notice
I've heard rumours Random will play there…
codswallop, name your source!
not my 'home' setup, but my studio setup.
Mac G5, Alesis QS8, Boss DR-770 Drum Machine, DX7II (FM
), XP-10, Mackie 24 channel Mixer, Event 20/20 Studio monitors. On the rack: MOTU 828 Audio Interface, MOTU 128 MIDI interface, Lexicon Effects Processor, Alesis Compressor, Proteus Rack Synth.
oh, and my laptop.
Excellent setup, love the desks, monitor placement + gear in general - very jealous! this is the kind of workspace I aspire to have
similar with trash80's setup, I love being 'cornered' in
When I first heard about ableton, the artists I knew waxing on about it kept talking about 'transparency' like it was the second coming. I thought it was a pr buzzword (indeed, ableton mention it in their press release) but it's actually a very accurate description of how the software lets you view the creative process in totally different than other DAW's.
Use it as a sequencer, or a drum machine, use it as an audio/midi triggering device, or in the same manner to create a dj set, use it to create full tracks, use it for post producing those tracks, use it to record jam sessions on a real instrument and manipulate it in realtime and record it directly to a customizable section of your arrangement, use it's rudimentary video support to create video soundtracks...
The possibilities are vast. Personally, it's scope outweighs my vision and 5 years on from switching to it i've still barely scraped the surface. Plus they keep adding new toys....!
The way I learned how to use it is the same as with any software, trial and error - I was also lucky enough to live with a couple of people who used it for mastering & live performances (I remember at the time being impressed at how seamless it handled those two things in one package) - so I picked the general flow and tips/tricks from watching them.
I'd watch the tutorial videos (ableton's own) and youtube/vimeo's and if you get a chance (cough cough!) ask people who use it
have a huge street party with carnivale dancing and all the obvious list on a huge float in the shape of a dpad
now that's ambition.
definitely relevant, I spent some time the other week trying to sidechain in lsdj (after noticing your patchbook entry http://lsdj.2x26.com/patch/jonnyriddle/ ffect-kick
it's good but like you say you can to have everything turned right down and it's quite fiddly - neat trick though
I made a little tutorial on a cool live trick that can be used to route an input on ableton 8, here i've done it with lsdj
and a little live preview of something that the song in that video turned into this afternoon
it's simple, you only send the .sav to one artist at a time - and it's emailed
i'd be up for this, sharing the .sav is a much wiser + cheaper way of doing it, one person works on the .sav at a time
you could allocate a certain amount of blocks for each song, that way everyone gets a fair chance and there's more limitations to work within!
heard the track - well worth the wait!
who couldn't fall in love with it!
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by Sabrepulse