(17 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

PianoGameboy wrote:
onapokoya wrote:

I didn't know there was a second color scheme.


Heh, Piano is a vampire tongue


(17 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Control Voltage?


(30 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I think I might try density white this time around for the greyboy then when I obtain a clearboy and I will get green. I mean its easy to remove the backlight right and swap another?


(30 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Now I'm stuck on the debate of green or orange hmm


(30 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

The backlight I'm most likely use is the new ASM


(30 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

So cm.o what color backlight do you find aesthetically pleasing + good on the eyes? I'm stuck on the fence about green, yellow, orange or white for my greyboy.


(42 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

z3r0 wrote:

For me in Wisconsin DMG's whether they are play it loud or not they are about $10-15 which is the same for Pockets. I think colors are a little more but I haven't seen any at the local shops for a while. But most of my local stores have tons of Gameboy Cameras for less than $10 usually around $8.

Damn I wish I had prices like that.


(42 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

When I lived in SF I managed to nab my first 4 greyboys $15-25. One I got for free I just had to make it down to Mission. Also there is the San Jose Flea Market held every 4th weds/sat which is an electronics goldmine but then again its a 50/50 with prices due to some of the junkers being dicks (One guy was selling a broken SP no charger for 50 bucks and I told him it was not worth that then he started yelling at me what do I know about prices then increasing the price to 65 >:( )

Now Currently Living in LA the DMG source is dry as hell hmm I'm going to try the local SM @ Pasadena


(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

@Jackary- I'm going to look around to see if I can get it locally. Is there any specifics to the screw or could I just get it at lowes? I will PM you if all else fails and its not an urgency but I'd like to address it in due time.

@alpine- Hell I wish I had a bits box let alone a tool set all I got currently is a big and small philips/flat head and a triwing


(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

While restoring one of the greyboys I picked up suffering major battery corrosion I managed to strip about 75% of the screws. Is there anywhere I can buy new screws for the DMG? I know you can fix them or make a pen mold but i'm just interested in putting it back together and being able to access the internals with ease.


(35 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm going to stick to my PSP and 360 and ease my way into a vita for a while then wait until nintendo stops being so picky on what market gets what freaking 3DSXL colors. The US got a new color, guess what it is? FREAKING PINK! While UK now has silver and Japan has white and black and lets not forget the region lock D:<.

/end rant

D: its not rounded like asm's new shells they look pokey

Could this be a replacement of an EMS essentially and do better than an ems?

in other words:


Boddah wrote:
SPORK94 wrote:

Hmmm didn't know about lowfi. Cool.

Yeah Getlofi beat everyone to the circuit bending products, but their LTC modules are getting pretty obsolete with the new Var. Clocks that ThursdayCustoms and Kitsch released. They do have a lot of  really cool non-gameboy circuit bending products tho.

Their APC kits seems decent and i've been wanting to learn some minor electronics thanks for the reference.

jackary wrote:
SPORK94 wrote:

How about some Circuit Bending kits I don't see many on the retailers

Non-electronics and Thursdaycustoms both stock them. So does GetLoFi.
I'd like to see kits including resistors/switches/pots/knobs. And it would be good to see somewhere else that stocked the LTC1799 board.

Hmmm didn't know about lowfi. Cool.

How about some Circuit Bending kits I don't see many on the retailers