(97 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Guys, If you only have say 1K resistors on hand you can put two in parallel for a total of 500ohms. I.E. putting 3 in parallel would give 333ohms . The Equ for parallel:
Use this for any number and value of Rs in parallel. They don't have to be all the same when solving for Rtotal.


(83 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

scannerboy wrote:

im still not sure if you are referring to the swinsid x2 board or a stereoswinsid from schrab. Nonetheless I think that the easiest option would be to put a nanoswinsid in every sid socket and then remove the redundant components from the board.

Something along the lines of Schrabikus' design, sized to fit the MB6582 layout. I thought about ready made nanoswinsids, can't recall the EU shop that was/is selling them, but the cost is close to the cost of a real SID and I have the tool chain to burn my own Megas, so...

scannerboy wrote:

Exactly what error are you getting?

This has popped up with both 6.3 & 6.8
"Loading D:/Downloads/Docs/SWIN SID/Swin Sammich/base.sch ...


line 1, column 123: This is not an EAGLE file."
So don't know whats up but the PDFs are fine for me.


(83 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

scannerboy wrote:

If you're referring to the schrabs design you must be aware that it has some errors in it.

Did not know bout that; but I was planning my own board to fit the MB6582's SID sockets with a min of jumpering., a stereo SwinSID board plugging into the SID sockets on the base brd. Haven't really started a layout, wanted to get the Base board working first.
Weirdness with Eagle, had 6.3 and files wouldn't open; then upgraded to 6.4 but still no go. ?!?! Thanks for the PDF.


(6 replies, posted in Atari)

Just thought I'd point to a new project @ MidiBox.org.
Here is the builder's thread:
http://midibox.org/forums/topic/18032-m … 600-synth/
And His Wiki Page:
Direct Midi control of a TIA chip with a MB Core!


(2 replies, posted in Sega)

I've had a go at restoring Atari XL cases, restoring the Beige with Hydrogen Peroxide, not really 'bleaching', more of counter-acting the effects of light and Oxygen on the plastic.
In the case of dark plastics your only option would be paint I think.  Good results can be had with the newer paints for plastics.


(29 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

I know I've seen this question before but, will this cart run PR8 or Pulsar? Can't seem to find info on the mapper files, will it do SXROMs?


(83 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Nice project!
I've been working on putting together a MB6582 and planned to fill a couple of the channels with SwinSID pairs. Thinking about a plug in stereo board design.
Would like to see your base board but having a problem opening the SCH files. I'm running Eagle 6.4 and get an error. Anyone else having a prob or is it just on my end?


(25 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

AdamGetsAwesome wrote:

The SmashTV parts kit doesn't include any of the front panel components which would have to be sourced by yourself, so that would be some extra time and money sourcing all those parts and actually putting the whole thing together. Then add getting a nice enclosure for it, it's really not as cheap as you might think.

Just pointing out options. Even at $500, you end up with 4 stereo channels of pure SID goodness! Haven't seen a ready-made screamer that can match it.

But yea, you can sink a ton into the case easy. But  there are cheaper options, just has to do with how creative you are and what you find acceptable. I like to build my own cases, black metal and oak; old skool Moog. Check out MFOS, Ray uses masonite for prototypes. Could even do away with the CS and just set it up as a midi sound module, all control via the DAW.

The modular design of the MidiBox HW lets you build in stages if you want. As little or as much as you like. The SammichSID is just one configuration, aimed at easy build.
Bottom line for me is: this stuff is a fun thing. DIY =FUN, if you are not into DIY well then a COTS box is the best choice.
EDIT: here's a posting of a new build
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl … WfibbFvovU
Original Post:
http://midibox.org/forums/topic/18035-t … ound-demo/


(25 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Domu wrote:

+ am i the only one who feels that the mode machines thing is vaguely scam-like in some way? deffo setting off alarm bells since i saw that. maybe the fact its pretty clearly heavily derived from xoxbox and sammichsid. and the demo video was the biggest let down ive ever seen.

Yea it does seem like a rip-off of the MB, but not having access to the internals, hard to judge. Could be legit, original work; but at that price I'll stick with DIY.
SmashTV has the  MB6582 board set for $50 and parts kit for $136 w/PICs, so for around $300 you could case it up (depending on how much it costs to source 8 SIDs). BUT if you have never used a soldering iron, well there will be a steep learning curve. You could do a stereo MidiboxSID for allot less BTW (This is basicly what a SammicSID is)


(25 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

If you are into DIY projects at all, then go to Midibox.org. Be warned: this is a DIY only project, no 'order' button. There are lots of SID options, the SammichSID is a version of the basic hardware. You can reproduce the SammichSID with separate boards or go for a 8 SID monster.
There are sources for boards both in the US and Europe, and even parts kits, so really the only hassle is finding the SID (but from time to time they are for sale on the buy/sell forum there, might even find a built SID box).
Good luck wink
Just thought that I should say that the Midibox SID has way more sonic ability then a midi interface to a C64. The SID chip is directly controlled by a embedded PIC controller, It allows for very sophisticated control. Check out the sound samples!


(8 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Awhile back I ran across a page with a Max/MSP patch for using a wired GH ax as a midi device with a DAW/VST.
Well just Googled and found this
Couldn't be easier

Saskrotch wrote:

...The other nice thing about this is, while it's more permanent (for travel to shows and such), You can just lift the ProtoShield off of the Arduino if you want to use it for something else.

Nice! Yea, no major changes to the Arduino. And like you say, 'more permanent'. I'll be building up a protoboard Arduino soon; just cause I'm cheap and don't already have one on-hand.
Finally got the GameGear sorted out, got a diff SMS-to-GG adaptor. The first one was brand new but defective, think it is the size of the plastic casing. Too thick, not mating right with the GG's cart connector. My 'new' old one slides in much nicer, still snug but don't need to force it too hard like the first one.
So now on to re-chipping a cart!

Cool. A breadboard 'Duino is very cost effective and not too hard to knock together.

Hey athleos, after doing more reading on PJRC site, what I wrote about pinMode() and digitalWrite() functions above is wrong. Only applies for WinAVR C, but with the Teensyduino extension, pinMode() and digitalWrite() are supported bit-wise.

athleos wrote:

Yo Seb, could you point me in the direction I need to head to get this working with a Teensy 2.0? I have a couple and I'd like to use one for this project but I suspect the pins are a little different from what's written in your code. I could go line by line but I thought you might have a better option. Thanks for this killer work. I'm super stoked to be using my SMS for music now!

Don'y want to speak for Seb, but just thought I'd point out that, as you may know already, you need to install the Tennsyduino extention to the IDE @ http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/teensyduino.html
From there, within the SMS sketch, the Setup() function may need some attention. I think the PortC writes are fine (looks like bit-wise DigitalPins are accessed different on the Teensy, but should not be a problem with byte-wide accesses). EDIT- writeSN76489(byte data) looks like the function that strobes the SMS game port pins. May need some TLC for the access of the control pins-EDIT
Also the Teensy uses the native USB for all serial R/Ws (all transfers at full USB speed regardless of the baud rate), unless you expressly use the on chip UART. So if you want to use the direct USB connection you should be good to go ( think you may have to assign the USB port as 'USBMidi' in the IDE, see PJRC page) but if you want a real midi connection you need to add a UART routine. You may take a look at Sebs' GenMDM sketch for a comparison. EDIT-GenMDM is not open, but his A26F Teensy sketch is-EDIT
Aside from that I think the rest of the sketch should run fine. I haven't dug too deep into it and hope I'm not talk'n out my arse wink

Great work! Sent a email AJ, hoping everything worked OK.