SAMWAVE wrote:

How many more orders are needed before pre-order of the second batch is closed?

I'm dying to get my hands on one of these!

Yea, can't wait either! If I had the extra cash, would order a second to help push the count up wink


Anyone know what happened to NeoTracker? not found on epi's site.
You rock, yerzmyay, LOVE Digital XL

Cool, thanks

little-scale wrote:

..share the PCB file etc if anyone is interested....

<RAISING HAND> Could I get a copy of your PCB file, please? I feel the same about crack'n open a classic cart, unless we're talking about Atari's ET :-)

WHO just won an Ebay auction for a GG?;    !>THIS guy!<!   
Ebay was acting weird last night; placed the opening bid on it, but the page acted like a reserve bid auction. Went back a little later and increased my bid, but the page still didn't show me as high bidder. Checking my email tonight, I WON, Less then my max!
Now just have to get a donor SMS cart, cable and adapter...

herr_prof wrote:
Aly James wrote:

Later I decided that the Synth migh be released around JAN or FEB 2013 and will probably cost 12$ :-)

Then you are probably getting $12 from me in jan big_smile

Aly Jones, the first time I read your post, on my big screen TV, it looked like '128'; which is a bit rich for my wife's budget ('...but Hon, the synth is very, very nice!').
I would jump on it for $20 when you release it. It's beautiful!

calmdownkidder wrote:

... we can have full control over the Mega Drive sound chips using our favourite VST-friendly DAW"?

Yes, yes we can.  We live in truly WONDERFUL TIMES ;-)

Yea, that is perfect!! Keep up the dreaming!!
Midi data rate should be doable with a soft UART Rx. Not sure of your internals' overhead, but as long as its: SoftSerial DIN midi OR USB native midi, shouldn't be a problem. A simple Rx routine without error checking, about 10-20 extra ISR instructions, as opposed to a hw UART.
Just had a quick look at the Arduino's SoftSerial Lib, and it appears that the stock lib does 115.2 Kbps max, as I'm sure you know. More then fast enough. Couple weeks ago I  finished a GM5 USB x 5MIDI interface, USB is native and the 5 serial IOs are soft ports. Don't know Polytec's internal code (got to be using all ASM code with a  higher opt level then the Arduino's lib), but it tells me the AVR has the guts to do it with a 16Mhz clock.
This is too cool.Very excited \o/

>Downerczx I think FMDrive is a VST front end for the MD/Gen interface, but I could be wrong. What ever it is, SynthMaker standalone or VST, it sure look fantanstic! Aly James has a very good eye.


If there are no differences, as in timing, for the SMS/Gen Cart code, I.E no need to re chip the cart; I can source any needed parts for an AVR interface board local (if I don't already have them around here). I've built 'Adruinos' on proto board, so there no mysteries about the generic UNO circuit.
So really, speaking for myself, in addition to an AVR, the pinout/Sch and/or a Brd file. But I'm not too concerned about a Brd file, for a one off for myself. After all's said and done, to me, it's just as easy to point to point wire it as etch and drill my own.

You, sir, never cease to amaze! Here, I started my day, bla bla blaing on the MD/Gen thread about the midi DIN topic; and next thing I know BAM! You drop this on us!
I think I have to start checking EBay for a SMS or a SGG now wink

"wouldn't want to disappoint them by allowing the code to escape into the wild"
Know exactly what you mean.
I too would be interested in this option, would you consider a pre-programmed AVR for the midi interface? I'm all about getting my DIY on, so bread boarding the circuit is like an afternoons' work.
Don't get me wrong, I think the current USB setup is beautiful. Can't wait to use Aly James' GUI, just stunning! On the other hand, setting up a MidiBox control surface/sequencer is exciting also.

OH YEA, come to papa!

Good Vid! Take a look at this Polish site Instead of connecting to an Atari, just use an Arduino. You'd have USB with 4 channels of 8bit sound using 14 pins. I think there are that many digiPins on an UNO or use the new larger Arduino. Lotharek had PCBs at one time but not on the site now, could try contacting him direct. Very compact SMT design, would work well as an Arduino shield.
Course there is the software to deal with. Talk to Little Scale, he may have already done something exactly like this! He's a MaxLive guru so he would have the answers on how to do this in Alberton I think.