This might help
You can convert the midi output to gamegear vgm (stereo) without problem with M2V PSG
17 Mar 1, 2014 10:39 pm
Re: Game Gear Music Tracker Applications - Need some help here... (15 replies, posted in Sega)
18 Feb 25, 2014 12:36 pm
Re: Master System VST - SUPER PSG - SN76489 + (AY3-8910 EG) EXTENDED (19 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
NOISE channel, LFSR realtime tweaking..
19 Feb 25, 2014 12:27 pm
Re: X68000, PC88, PC98 etc FM voices Dump --FMDrive VST support added-- (2 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
Awesome! my Mod has just been added into the official release by Naruto
So the last Hoot Voice Ripper Rev08 features FMDrive support, English translated language and optional color scheme (original or AJMOD)
PMD support is also added.
The .FMD (FMDrive format) will also reflect the state of the Channel 3 Mode (Normal, Special or CSM) excepted for YM2151.
20 Feb 23, 2014 10:03 am
Topic: X68000, PC88, PC98 etc FM voices Dump --FMDrive VST support added-- (2 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
As FMDrive VST can also import registers data line directly...
I have recently made a mod with FMDrive support for the Naruto's Hoot Voice Ripper which now let you dump the current track FM presets from Japanese computer FM music, X68000, PC88, PC98 etc..
This will output an .FMD file with a DATA LINE you can directly import into FMDrive
available at the download page >>
Hoot Player (translated page):
Hoot Music Archive:
Doing the other way around; FMDrive made track(MIDI) >> X68000 (MDX format) is not easy as one click but is POSSIBLE
short version :
long version detailed process:
21 Feb 23, 2014 9:47 am
Re: MEGADRIVE FM Drive - Sonic 2 chemical Plant Zone (3 replies, posted in Sega)
If you use FMDrive, simply use the "vgm2tfi 2.0" tools which is on the download page at the website and drop the chemical plant zone vgm/vgz onto it, it will outputs .tfi presets from the track that you can load into FMDrive
Another way to check and dump a particular tone is to use Regen or GenKmod emulator that can also dump .tfi preset of a particular channel.
As a more general dump import features, FMDrive can also import registers data line directly...
I have recently made a mod with FMDrive support for the Hoot Voice Ripper which let you dump the current track FM presets from Japanese computer FM music, X68000, PC88, PC98 etc..
This will output an .FMD file with a DATA LINE you can directly import into FMDrive
Also available at the download page >>
Hoot Player (translated page):
Hoot Music Archive:
22 Feb 1, 2014 2:58 pm
Re: SEGA PSG: SID sound! on 1 Channel with Z80 Hblank (22 replies, posted in Sega)
SPSG VST SID effect >> MIDI >> VGM proof of concept...!
Here we go, this is a quick test with the PSG clocked at 1Mhz, only one channel and SID modulation..
you never got an SN76489 vgm with that
the greatest accuracy for exporting a midi file with the SPSG modulation as been made through Reaper at 22050 PPQN.
23 Jan 30, 2014 5:36 pm
Re: [SEGA MD / GEN] GenMDM SEGA Genesis / Mega Drive MIDI Interface (1,383 replies, posted in Sega)
To keep you all waiting a bit more...
YM2612インストゥルメントエディタ - セガジェネシス - メガドライブのROM
(YM2612 Instrument Editor - Sega Genesis -Megadrive ROM) ompatible/
24 Jan 30, 2014 3:19 am
Topic: NEW! SEGA FM Instrument Editor ROM (Hardware & Emulators compatible) (7 replies, posted in Sega)
YM2612インストゥルメントエディタ - セガジェネシス - メガドライブのROM
(YM2612 Instrument Editor - Sega Genesis -Megadrive ROM)
Tested on Emulators and Hardware.
Free download at
If you want to save your created sounds or use them into YM2612 emulators
synths or trackers (FMDrive VST, Deflemask, VGMM), you can use an emulator like
Regen or Gens to dump the channel as a .tfi file which can be loaded into capable VST or Trackers.
SRAM support or Flashcard support could be added in the future to directly dump to SD card from the hardware.
This brand new ROM was created and coded by
Matt "MrD", creator of Gravity Beam: Master Gaiden SMS Homebrew game
and enhanced by Aly James, creator of FMDrive 2612 Vsti & SPSg Vsti
YM2612 Instrument editor lets you control the Sega Genesis FM sound chip in real time,
access the main parameters of the Channel 1 and select which note to play.
If you want to save your created sounds or use them into YM2612 emulators
synths or trackers (FMDrive VST, Deflemask, VGMM), you can use an emulator like
Regen or Gens to dump the channel as a .tfi file which can be loaded into capable VST or Trackers.
It is also a useful tool for YM2612 musicians or Genesis developers to quickly test a sound
directly on the hardware in a friendly way.
A and B increase or decrease the values
C does a note on
Start does a note off
e= will enable or disable an operator
CONST = If it's enabled, it reloads the FM registers every frame, so you can trigger the note and then
alter the options in real-time.
If it's disabled, you trigger the note once and the registers stay the same until you trigger the note again.
If you don't know how to program the YM2612 FM synthesizer chip
The freely download-able FMDrive VST manual will helps you to understand this powerful sound chip.
bump this shit out
25 Jan 28, 2014 2:00 pm
Re: [SEGA MD / GEN] GenMDM SEGA Genesis / Mega Drive MIDI Interface (1,383 replies, posted in Sega)
el-bee wrote:Just for the record, everyone who hasn't yet received their GenMDM, please reply to this! Who knows, maybe we can have a separate thread for all the delivery complaints
Still waiting over here, though I ordered my GenMDM with an email I don't have access to at the moment so for all I know it may be in the mail right now.
Not that frustrated since Aly James' VSTs have held me over in the meantime, but it's still kind of a bummer to glance at my modded, unused Genesis on the shelf.
If it can keeps you waiting a bit mo' your Genesis will soon awake I will point you all to a FMDrive >> vgm converter >> ROM , very soon!
26 Jan 24, 2014 12:48 am
Re: SEGA VST FMDRIVE YM2612 GENESIS FM SYNTH (VGM conversion soon) (121 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
last but not least... SPOILER...
MID2VGM will now support FMDrive MIDI CC automation, basically all YM2612 registers... but what I have in mind for the future will be the reverse!
VGM2MID with register to FMDrive MIDI CC conversion, this way a track with constantly moving registers like Jesper Kyd "Gotham by Night" could be completely redone in no time...
27 Jan 24, 2014 12:41 am
Re: SEGA VST FMDRIVE YM2612 GENESIS FM SYNTH (VGM conversion soon) (121 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
28 Jan 24, 2014 12:36 am
Re: SEGA VST FMDRIVE YM2612 GENESIS FM SYNTH (VGM conversion soon) (121 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
Aly James wrote:knowing your YM2612 involvement, If you want to help at some point, just PM me
No problem, and if/when I get my MacBook Pro up and running again I'll definitely be doing something along the lines of a YM2612 AU myself
IIRC I remember to tweak your java web based operators one years ago .I'll b glad to share my CSM documentation if needed
by the way it can be cool to add tfi >> opm and opm >> tfi to your converter in this case your blank windows on the right could display whats in the presets...
29 Jan 24, 2014 12:23 am
Re: Master System VST - SUPER PSG - SN76489 + (AY3-8910 EG) EXTENDED (19 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
Yuzo Koshiro has just remade his Etrian Odyssey Battle Theme 1 on Super PSG VST !
This is how it would have sounded on a Master System PSG
30 Jan 24, 2014 12:19 am
Re: SEGA VST FMDRIVE YM2612 GENESIS FM SYNTH (VGM conversion soon) (121 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
@Aly James - for porting to Mac you'll basically need a "programmed completely in C++ and/or Obj-C" solution since there's nothing like SynthEdit (though IIRC there might be a Mac version of Outsim SynthMaker, a tool far superior to SynthEdit). Given how much custom code you've made from scratch it might actually be easier to port since the syntax is almost one-to-one. XCode is free and almost any SDK you choose (Apple's Audio Unit SDK, JUCE, VST) will be free.
Definitely, btw: SPSG is 95% custom C++ because i have learned a lot along the way of making FMDrive
GUI C++ drawing is my main lack of knowledge, this is why SE comes in handy with the help of some ASM coded curves from Chris Kerry..., plus I like to support the effort of the dev who actually got an apha SE VSt3 ready and Xcode compatible...
Also I will add that everything I have coded so far is 64bit compatible, this is just my current built of SE which is not...yet
I will definitely ends in full C++ at some point, this is a logic evolution.
3 years ago I was buying my first breadboard with a couple of transistors, learned all that along the way, still making music,
this is a fantastic journey with great people here and there all over the world.
knowing your YM2612 involvement, If you want to help at some point, just PM me
31 Jan 24, 2014 12:01 am
Re: SEGA VST FMDRIVE YM2612 GENESIS FM SYNTH (VGM conversion soon) (121 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
Oh and I forgot to tell you all that JESPER KYD (
d=composer )
composer of some of the craziest Megadrive BGM has joined the FMDrive & SPSG users!
If you don't know these tracks, check the link above!
"Hi Aly, I have been using both programs and they are great. The SPSG is really cool, especially digging the slot sequencer with the clock and speed."
Yeah I have removed the part where he said that he has got occasionally some 64bit cubase internal bridging issue with SPSG...
Everybody knows that Cubase internal bridge 32/64 pretty sucks !
more seriously, hopefully he will find some good use of these vintage tools in his current productions and maybe make a full FM + PSG track like in the good ol' days!
32 Jan 23, 2014 11:42 pm
Re: SEGA VST FMDRIVE YM2612 GENESIS FM SYNTH (VGM conversion soon) (121 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
can we reverse the fb01 compatible patch dumps? like use fmdrive to export fb-01 compatible patches from the large range of patches ripped from mega drive games?!?! il donate twicew if thats possible / can be added!
Keep in mind that FB01 is YM2164 chip, closer to YM2151 than Sega's YM2612.
There is some subtle differences and more obvious ones like:
only YM2612 has the SSG envelopes...not even talking of non-FM features like build-in DAC and PCM support.
FB01 also has built in filtering that darken the sound a bit which YM2612 don't do (at least on direct chip output).
However if you disable some of the velocity and level adjusters on the FB01, you can definitely load some FMDrive presets on it!
It is not a direct one click solution, you have to convert .tfi exported presets into .opm first then you can convert that to a FB01 .sys file
To convert a tfi or a bunch of tfi presets into an .opm (simple text file for VOPM) you can use Shiru's vopmxtfi with this command line:
vopmxtfi.exe filename.opm filename.tfi and so on if you have many tfi presets
then,the tool I use is a python script called DXCONVERT/TXCONVERT version 2.1.4 (google it)
this is a great tool that tries with pretty great success to convert between DX100,DX27, DX21, TX81Z, WT11, DX11, FB01, YS100, YS200, TQ5, B200, DS55, V50 and OPM formats.
I will probably get in touch with the developer to add direct .tfi support at some point
I have made a test for FMDrive .tfi to FB01 ,trying to remake the famous Sonic the Hedgehog 1 track "Spring Yard Zone" on the FB01...
The result is pretty good although it lacks PSG part (PCM drums added on top of the FB01 FM)
Once the FMDrive to VGM converter will be out, I think I will make a new add on manual called FMDrive & SPSG "Advanced manual" that will explain in detail everything related to data conversion and formats and this will also cover the famous X68000 MDX format, ADPCM etc...
Hopefully this will be pretty soon, in between my current research and work on the famous Linn Drum LM-1 recreation...
btw: if you just discovered this thread or haven't checked it for a while, you might take a look at my soundcloud
the tracks with (vgm) in the name showcases some of the FMDrive & SPSG to VGM conversion success