756 Jul 2, 2013 7:16 am
Re: STOCKWAVE 001 (42 replies, posted in Releases)
yes, i think that themed stockwave collaborations are in order- or why do they have to be collaborations? egr perhaps team manager will follow up to his appearance in 001 with a stockwave ep? lp?
758 Jul 2, 2013 2:34 am
Re: STOCKWAVE 001 (42 replies, posted in Releases)
i am so happy with this collab!!
to all you guys who contributed
i realized that i accidentally left the .txt version of one of the bonus items in the download. he decided to make a recorded version after sending me the .txt and so now that is what is included in the bonus items. it is fixed now, but for you early downloaders, that is why there were two versions
759 Jul 2, 2013 1:49 am
Re: the stockwave compilation to define the genre (98 replies, posted in Collaborations)
(also posted a thread in the release section)
IT'S OUT! CHECK IT! each individual track has a unique stock description if you click em
download download download because a) this is a landmark collaboration, and b) because [BONUS]!
760 Jul 2, 2013 1:49 am
Topic: STOCKWAVE 001 (42 replies, posted in Releases)
"They say music is a universal language. I think genres, they're like dialects... Stockwave is like the transatlantic accent. 'Cause it's manufactured, it's fake. But everyone speaks it. It's middle-of-the-road, it fits wherever you are."
STOCKWAVE 001 is the groundbreaking response to a single track by Stockwave's original tastemaker. It brings further definition to the young genre and takes a satirical look at the sterile, post-art corporate stock image/music world.
STOCKWAVE 001 is a violent collaboration in which artists bend the stock aesthetic til it breaks- stock music samples are used as a blank canvas onto which artists superimpose their own musical styles.
The tracks on STOCKWAVE 001 were created almost entirely with samples ripped from the stock music website
egr (aka Team Manager)
victory road
[...and a surprise...]
Don't forget to download! There may or may not be [secret] items
761 Jul 1, 2013 7:30 pm
Re: the stockwave compilation to define the genre (98 replies, posted in Collaborations)
das wassup
762 Jul 1, 2013 6:53 pm
Re: the stockwave compilation to define the genre (98 replies, posted in Collaborations)
dam I missed the deadline, maybe give us two weeks next time for the noobs to have a chance.
hi booga! yea a bunch of people told me that they needed more time than a week to produce something they were happy with, so i definitely will make sure to lengthen the entry period next time around!
in response to what a stockwave gathering might look like:
today is the day people! stay tuned later today- i will be posting a link here and on the release section!
763 Jul 1, 2013 2:02 am
Re: the stockwave compilation to define the genre (98 replies, posted in Collaborations)
tomorrow is the day! any last minute collab entries??
764 Jun 30, 2013 12:35 am
Re: syncing lgpt on pc w/ lsdj on dmg (29 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)
i changed the batteries in my dmg and now it is syncing fine :0
765 Jun 29, 2013 9:05 pm
Re: the stockwave compilation to define the genre (98 replies, posted in Collaborations)
just a couple more days!!!!
766 Jun 29, 2013 6:29 pm
Re: syncing lgpt on pc w/ lsdj on dmg (29 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)
you're smart.. yes it worked like a charm. guess that's my fix for now!
767 Jun 29, 2013 6:12 pm
Re: syncing lgpt on pc w/ lsdj on dmg (29 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)
oh wait, i think i see what you're saying. i misunderstood. yes, i guess i could do that! i'll give that a try and let you know how it works.
768 Jun 29, 2013 6:05 pm
Re: syncing lgpt on pc w/ lsdj on dmg (29 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)
as far as i understand, the D command only affects the step that it is on- in other words, it won't set everything that comes after it 4 ticks ahead.. does that make sense?