(45 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Bit wish wrote:

When i said "15 - 16", i meant i was in between.
I don't mean i was held back a year in what ever was implied.
I don't mean my birth took over a period of a year.

Every Body on this website is always trying to find a way to be over critical.

i think most of the people were just kidding, and that most of them knew what you meant. i figured by 15-16 you meant you were almost 16.


(45 replies, posted in General Discussion)

he has got a point alpine.. people were just kidding around but your comments come off as dicky and condescending..


(21 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

yaaaay! i'm going to order "the piggy" tomorrow :3


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Teh D3th St4r wrote:
PianoGameboy wrote:

Here's something I've been working on today.

I love me some Hobbes action!
Seriously C&H is my favorite comic of all time. Have every single book, and even got "The Complete Calvin & Hobbes" hardback set for x-mas.

EDIT: Wax paper and frog tape for doing fine stencil work.

oh my that is soooo creative and cool! space hobbes ftw


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

oh awesome! ok so for tuning with the v command (Vxy) i guess x would be the one controlling pitch, since it is the speed of modulation, whereas y is the depth. i guess depth could play a part as well? not too sure.

yea definitely let me know when/if you find that song! and link some of your own where you use it!
and i'll listen to the songs you guys posted when i get off work.


(45 replies, posted in General Discussion)

SketchMan3 wrote:



(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

danimal cannon wrote:

I've thought about this, but never tried it

haha danimal i actually thought of you when i started this thread. you should try it and post the results!


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

@herr_prof i will try using an older version!


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

haha, my suspicions that others have had this idea way before me were correct! awesome!

@bitman i definitely noticed that drift. i found that if i kept the y parameter (Vxy) around 7 or 8 the drift wouldn't be too bad/noticeable. i'll upload a sample track using patches i have been messing with later on smile

any one else have any input??


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

i am sure others have had this idea before, but i couldn't find any threads about it so i thought i would share a technique that i started messing with this morning: FM synthesis in lsdj!

i do NOT claim to be a master of fm synthesis OR of lsdj.. i thought i'd put this out there for discussion so that others who are more skilled with fm synthesis and lsdj could share ideas/patches/etc..

ok so using the vibrato command in lsdj it is easy to cause an initial pitch to vibrate rapidly, at an audible rate- in other words, you can use the V command to function as a carrier wave (if you don't know what i am talking about read up a bit on the workings of fm..) adjusting the waveform of the initial frequency (the modulator wave) results in changes in the overall timbre, as in fm synthesis!

this works best i find using the WAV channel since it is possible to adjust the cutoff, distortion, volume, etc of the modulator wave (on the synth page), which opens up many more harmonic possibilities.

make a WAV instrument (set PLAY to MANUAL) > enter a C-5 note on the PHRASE page > set V command to something like VBA

it should sound thicker now, with overtones etc. you are hearing the combination of the oscillation of the initial waveform (the modulator wave) and the oscillation of the V command (the carrier wave). (hopefully i am getting these terms right..)

NOW you can mess with the parameters on the synth page to change the modulator wave, which results in some pretty awesome sounds!  i get the coolest results messing with the WAVE, CUTOFF, and PHASE parameters.

this of course is also possible in the PULSE channels- you have more control over the volume envelope when using the PU1/2 channels, and of course you can change the duty cycle to adjust the modulator wave.

any thoughts? corrections? feel free to share cool fm patches you come up with!


(17 replies, posted in Trading Post)

oh ok yea let me kno- i think i have bought every one of them from his bandcamp but it wouldn't hurt to have physicals. esp 9999 or vega cc


(17 replies, posted in Trading Post)

what cd's? 9999?


(99 replies, posted in Releases)

anatamogatchi r cute heart

hey super cool!
a note on the opening post: i think you meant to link to http://vblank.straytechnologies.com/hardware/ or something but you linked to the youtube vid twice.. just thought i'd let you know!

jellica my new favorite hobby is watching your avatar walk to the beat of chocolate ice cream


(17 replies, posted in Trading Post)

dem mauer pins is wassup