tempsoundsolutions wrote:

                                                                                  EXECUTIVE PRODUCER
                                                                                            DICK WOLF

moral of the story; watch law and order


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I think this is a great topic to discuss.

First and formost, when you're contracted to make a soundtrack you need to look at it as work. Not a hobby. It is a different mindset than writing an album for your own pleasure. Like actual work or any day job, you should expect to be paid. Therefore, you should never be giving tracks away for free or without being paid first. A contract solves all these problems and it helps to let both parties know what they're in for. As for some key things to consider in your contracts: fees, album distribution rights, revenue share, schedule, just to name a few.

You should be as professional as possible and not afraid to negotiate. Do not undersell your services because you think it would be fun to have your music in a game. It sets a precedent for our community.

A big issue you should agree on first are fees including being paid a % upfront before work is started. You can set milestones along the way for other payments. This is where having a schedule will come in handy. Set a completion date, a review date, a discussion date, initial writing date. Whatever you think you'll need. Add stipulations for rework so they don't have you writing 5 OSTs rather than 1 and change.

Thats really only the tip of the iceberg and I am sure other people could elaborate.

1030 wrote:

Just tried on my laptop and it works fine. Need to ProSound my Mega Drive!

Pro sound? Crystal clear audio mod? I don't think they need to be modded unless you have a model 2 or the model 1 with the crappy board rev


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

VCMG wrote:

This doesn't quite answer the question but I've always wanted to make a run 'n gun shooter based off of 2PLAYER's Infinity Force, even though it was specifically written to sound like game music.

I want to see that happen. Actually writing an ost for an iOS app now.

I would definitely have to say Blitz Lunar, Coda, and Virt. Also throw bomb boy and shnabubula on that list too.


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Also got an email. I'm mildly excited...

Thank you for the thought provoking response and valuable thread contribution TSC. I will be sure to watch that video right after I finish watching it from the last time you posted it here.

Any updates? How's production coming? Where are you on number ordered vs. number produced? Sorry, just very eager to start playing around with one!


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

this is such an awesome release! there needs to be more FM albums

Kills me to come here and read about it when I haven't received mine yet sad

deadbeat. check your emails

If you need it for tomorrow it sounds like your only shot would be with the front pcb you describe as having no right channel? Is this audio? If so swap out the back pcb with another one. This may also fix the "looseness" issue you have. Just clean the contacts on the ribbon cable first. Pretty sure the rest of your front pcbs are scrap now.

Edit: also pics of the other front pcbs would help to determine if they're beyond repair.

Uh huh

I'm on vaca till Sunday. I'll scrap one together for you when I get back

I was waiting till I got it to make a FL dashboard

Very very jealous....cannot wait to get mine. Can you house the cart in an old game case?