(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

posted this a while back on my blog:
http://2playermusic.tumblr.com/post/703 … arduinoboy
it has a easier to follow diagram, at least for me


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

Oh wow didn't  know this was one day of work. Wow. Nice work, looking forward to that release

Unbelievable you even had to wait this long. Garuntee that if I'm in the next one, I will make you wait even longer to not get a track


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

I just wish there was more than 2 songs. Great album

Oh man, please let there be more than one week of battles. I need to get in on this, it's just too funny not too

So the actual hardware you'll be selling is for the controller port? Leaving it up to us to get a flash cart?

If that is the case custom samples wouldnt be that tough would it?

at least buy me a drink first nitro

ugh, can we stop posting to this thread until this comes out??! What a dick tease

Will there be an option to buy a kit and make your own or will they all be prebuilt? I'm just waiting to give my money away to you

good god i want to build one of these so bad. I was excited when i saw he had a workshop but saddened when i realized i was on another continent. my genesis is just sitting here gathering dust right now. it needs to be put to better use

done. and now we play the waiting game......

pretty sure. spoke to him on fb a couple weeks back and he said he was just about done. I am also looking forward to it

I think he's working on his album still. I was gonna record it a couple months back but he canceled. Then I moved to WA

Oh got ya. Yes that would work as well but what would be the advantage? Just build one that only has the male connector end of the cable and make the whole arduinoboy snap onto the side of the dmg. That'd be sweet.

So you're talking about soldering a few wires directly from the arduino onto the dmg pcb through the link port rather than using a link cable? Yes that would work.