I use mine all the time. It's very easy to use.


(15 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

I picked up my card for cheap and felt like an idiot because I already knew it wa ISA lol. Building a box would have got a little more expensive than grabbing a laptop. What I did though was remove the screen from the laptop and hooked it up to anotheronitor I had. Now it's basically a keyboard attached to a monitor. Problem solved.


(15 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

@egr been there. Ended up getting an old opl3 laptop off eBay for $40


(101 replies, posted in Collaborations)

how many tracks do you have 8br? i will write more if you need it


(177 replies, posted in General Discussion)


My mods, how tos, my music, helpful info, etc

Exactly. Prosound increases the audio quality. Period. On the pocket it will reduce/eliminate the ground hum when recording.

While RCA and 1/4" are there to allow easier connectivity to mixers you can just as easily get a 1/8" to 1/4" adapter. Not sure what you meant by Suitable for midi inputs.

Are you adding a new jack? You can just do an internal prosound with the pocket

Could you change your name, I don't want to start confusing you with the noise channel on my NES

I would say the CC threads are more overrun by people just wanting their listens/comments being bumped for the mainpage.

Ive been building things and fixing up stuff around the house. I will try and get something out for the next one.


(101 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Sucks. Hope it's just your battery. Ac adapter in the mean time?


(101 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Well if thats the case, we would need some name for the game

Just finished my arduinoboy yesterday, this may be a good challenge to test it out on


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Ya 220 works just fine. Thanks for the info on improved signal quality. I will surely be using this


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Ah great, thanks. If I can find a 40-50ohm resistor I'll plop it in series otherwise I'll just go ahead with the 220. Thanks nitro


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hah yea I should have remembered I could throw some in series or parallel to get the right resistance. I had been looking at some other schematics for midi in and they had used 280ohm. Wasn't too sure on the amperage so it's why I asked here.