(101 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Your inbox is gonna be flooded with unheard tracks of mine


(101 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Can we write multiple tracks for this? I think looping 2x and fading is the way typical OSTs are it out. I am obvi on board for a konami/capcom style. What trackers/hardware? I'll be giving mp3s recorded from NES but will DMG tracks be showing up or would that be for another comp altogether?

Of course you grab the horror one tongue

Oh my god...I thought it was crazy at first but when it speeds up... O.o

damn you and your underclocked dmg!!! thats what i get for voting for you tongue siiiiiiick track 8BR hope to hear more from the slowboy


(383 replies, posted in General Discussion)


My problem is it isnt the night that it's due. I'll start writing a couple hours before the deadline again probably

I started last week and have continuously scrapped all my ideas. Think I'm sticking tow what I wrote last night lol. That is, until I write tonight and scrap that idea too

Oh, and collab for a challenge...hells yes!

I'm always open to collab Jredd, whether in these comps or not

Oh I thought the bi-weekly would have worked better in producing a fake video game score

guys i just had a sick idea. lets have one of these comps be a bunch of tunes from a make believe video game (intro, stage select. boss, etc) then we can make it into a compilation cd and get everyone in the scene super wicked mega awesome excited about it.

im drunk.

We should all choose what everyone does. We have, after all, been listening too eachothers songs/styles for a bit now

8-Bit-Rex wrote:

If that happens...we both should just bone.

Why do we need to tie to do that?

In all cerealsnes this has been a lot of fun. I think a compilation of tunes would be a great way to get others excited about it. Bi-weekly comp awareness month.

For the TMNT/MM song, I can't decide if I want to write a single track or go all out and write a intro/character select/level/boss/etc mashup

Wow. Do want. Game looks and sounds epic


(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I agree with you here ape. I used a small dab of solder to get the best results.


(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I did the vertical line fix with my DMG on. Pumped the contrast up so I could see what was missing and went to town. I had to hold the soldering iron there a little bit. Definitely wasn't just lightly touching it. Worked for me.

Ya I haven't started either but more or less because I'm lazy