this thread is closed

that micromusic comp was one of the first chip releases i bought (and the first one i bought thinking of it as a chip release, id bought some patric c stuff already and some other amiga stuff)

i dont think they leave them raw because they are trendy, i think they leave them raw because they aren;t really very good producers.. i'll give the engineers credit though, that absolute bullshit music sounds as nice as it possibly could

doesn't sound very chip to me, just some square waves

s'all good, hopefully the rest of ours ship soon as well... very much looking forward to working with it

totally interested...hit me up


(53 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Kedromelon wrote:
SketchMan3 wrote:

To save battery, and can't you see it in sunlight like the good old days?

no, to install a backlight the reflective layer that is usually behind the screen is removed

unless you did that late 2007 der warst style.. my shit has an on/off switch, no inversion, nothing fancy... just a backlight and simple headphone jack switching prosound


(53 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

well, the bump is making me fix grammar in the title for my own sanity


(12 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Lavar:  someone must've done the custom firmware before you bought it then...and you're only supposed to use the pandora battery for installing the cfw, not for regular use (switch back to normal battery for that)

not surprising when the buy it now was only $100


(56 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

or you can be weird and run your game boy through a boss oc-2, oc-3, or any similar guitar octave pedal... if you do this may be best to run it through your aux sends, so you can easily adjust the mix with the original clean signal..i use an oc-2 on my tr-626 to make my drums sound thicker


(20 replies, posted in Trading Post)

if you look on that vintage synth page, lists date of manufacture as 2000-2002... so not really what most people would call vintage

^ everyone should listen to sadnes if they haven't already


(72 replies, posted in General Discussion)

hey guys: chill the fuck out, please
teh management


(98 replies, posted in General Discussion)

and that seems like a decent place to close this motherfucker


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

semi-interested... forget though, is it single rack unit height? breaking myself of gear hording, but damn an fb01 for that price gets my interest