(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

for game boy games, just play the game in BGB (it's an emulator), you can have it export a wav for each channel separately in the current version so that should work well for your purposes

yeah, that's what Will Green used it for. unsurprisingly, little-scale did some nice stuff with it for his collab project Hidden Village too, but i get the feeling that he could make good music with windows notepad if he set his mind to it

also, since i'll probably be ordering this in a few days anyway, i'll post my code here so someone else can grab it

i grabbed 8hb7-6h8s, thanks!


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)


oliver wrote:

yes, it's a "complex beast" and i would not recommend it.

lol. that being said, a few people did manage some really great stuff with 2.01-2.2, like Will Green. think i only released maybe 3 tracks with it & none of mine were particularly good.
really think it's better suited for use along with other versions of nanoloop or additional hardware since the restrictions that made it less than ideal for composing complete tracks on it are less of an issue. especially if you do your percussion outside 2.01-2.2, since you basically had to use one channel for each different drum sound you used, easily could waste most of the channels just getting your beats right

pselodux wrote:

I can't quite get the information I wanted from the manual.. is the sequencer entirely variable per step as per later versions, or is it fixed to each track having an "instrument"?

Also, how much pattern storage is there?

from what i remember, 2.01-2.2 most parameters are set for each channel and not variable for each step.

darenager wrote:

Glad to have been one of the people to have asked, my 2.2 cart is on the way here and it will be fun playing with 8 tracks of nanoloop magic over the holiday, thanks Oliver!

Now, about 1.3....... smile

a 1.3 option for nanoloop one carts would be great

part of me is tempted to get a 2.2 cart for the 3rd time, but i know i never really end up using it much. probably because i don't find it enjoyable to make complete tracks on it, but it could be more fun when combined with other gear


(58 replies, posted in General Discussion)

hey everyone, if you're going to link youtube or vimeo videos, please use BBCode to embed the video
it's pretty easy, here's how you do it

 for youtube videos, use [youtube] with the portion of the link after "watch?v=" between the tags. for example, the last link in this thread would be [youtube]OmzLyXR1EYk[/youtube]
for vimeo videos, use the [vimeo] tag with the portion of the link that comes after "vimeo.com/". so for the video in this link https://vimeo.com/169023757, you'd use [vimeo]169023757[/vimeo]. 

this will make it much easier for people to check out the linked clips. thanks smile

my track is nanoloop 1.3 + 2x nanoloop 2.3


(1 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

moved to appropriate section and changed link to an embedded video

frantic wrote:

Thanks! Somehow I managed to miss that. Sorry! Looks like it is only fixed price selling there though, and I intended to put up an auction since I have no idea what the "market price" for these may be, so I'll look elsewhere for places to sell.

make an ebay auction and link it in the trading post section if youre going with an auction, that's even suggested in the trading post rules


(49 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Trading Post Rules wrote:
  • Indicate prices on items you are selling.  If you are trying to auction it off put it on ebay and put a link to the sale here.

  • Please make sure your location is up to date on your profile, or posted within your trading thread.


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

guys, you're responding to a spambot

djhaka wrote:

I'll throw out a name suggestion:

Since these are all Nanoloop songs, but definitely not "nano" in length, how about "MILLILOOP"? Or some other unit prefix big_smile

but "milli" means one-one-thousandth. if anything, this would be "kiloloop" or "megaloop", but neither sounds good really

i could try putting together some ideas for artwork (without any of the text since that's TBD still). no worries on the mastering taking a while, that's no surprise when there's so much audio. probably fair if you just do mild compression and normalizing since the odds of really getting levels to be similar all the way through are pretty low