
(208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

yeah, i dont think any of us on staff are eager to start anything resembling the charts on here...
charts on 8bc lead to tons on flame wars, people creating 30-40 accounts to boost their track to the top, lots of accounts that appeared to exist just to vote for their friends and contributed nothing to the community, etc.. all of which created more work for the staff and lots of ill will among the community
and personally, id see any positives it created as minimal at best

edit: beyond that, if i remember correctly back to the talks pre-cm.org launch, the staff made a choice to make this a community/information first type site, with it also being a means to share tracks (just with lower priority than the sharing of information)

^ it was... some absolutely beautiful sights and sounds went on

i have electric drum & mGB on mine... very handy

i just keep mine in a normal cart casue and deal with the extra space... this thread just made me point out to koolskull and esopus the whole additional rom function smile

Decktonic wrote:

you. are. amazing.

so what happened to the TCTD awards?

wtf are you talking about?

video mixer streams with mic audio are now up https://vimeo.com/album/1958111
no cTrix sadly, technical difficulties sad

those drinks were so very wrong (i had maybe 5)

hahaha, the hentai was courtesy of starpause smile
oh, and i have a video mixer feed/mic audio for most of the night (a few minutes into roccow through when


(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Forum Rules wrote:

12. Thread titles should describe the topic of the thread. Please avoid titles like "Help!" or "Have you seen this...". Something like "How can I do a beefy bassdrum with Midines?" or "I just saw a chip music reference at the bus stop" is good. Staff reserves the right to edit unclear thread titles to something more descriptive

also, this belongs in the "nintendo handhelds" subforum, so i'll move it there.. generally you get the best results if people know what help you need before clicking on the thread

you actually may have been the first to do it

im sure there will be plenty of video shot, if nothing else


(54 replies, posted in General Discussion)

facundo. ill hook you up man...give me a text...
glad a stream happened, i wasnt the only who was there who was bummed by the situation as well...was trying to get stream info for a few friends in the midwest


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

starting this year like last year: 24+hours awake followed by 4 hours sleep.. sounds about right
edit: just realized i think ive started every blip this way, not just last year


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Just closed out barcade with Esopus .. time to go pass out


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

im surprised l-tron didn't mention this first, but you may wish to choose a different artist name while you're still new.. that name was low-gain's old artist name (used for a few years), so you may have a little confusion, even though he spelled it normal, not 1337
also, hes right i feel like im still paying for some of my more abrasive/harsh stuff from 2004-2007 when it comes to getting people to listen to my stuff.. on the plus side, i self-released all that stuff for the most part, so i made it disappear a year or so ago


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

^ or if they need you to give them directions.. that happens too often in new york