(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

last off topic from me, but for people into interesting re-use of bollywood stuff, also check out dan the automator and DJ shadow's "Bombay the Hard Way" (i was talking about this with some djs about a decade ago when one of them first recommended "bollywood breaks".. its more of a hip-hop take on bollywood stuff)


(108 replies, posted in General Discussion)

these threads always remind me that the stuff is like more is so very far from what most other people in the scene are into... though most of you didn't get burnt out on hearing dance music by doing visuals for dj nights...

fwiw, anthony isn't a scammer, he's just very busy.. travels for work a lot these days, is currently out of town for a little while, think he's back home sometime this week


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i like a very wide range of stuff.. love all of Stanley Kubrick's films (especially "Dr. Strangelove" & "The Shining"), lots of horror ("Rosemary's Baby", first three Romero Dead films, "Suspiria", the "Evil Dead" trilogy, "Hellraiser",) pretty much everything David Lynch ever made (just not into "Inland Empire"), some comedy, mostly weirder ones  ("The Saddest Music in the World", "The Hudsucker Proxy", "Barton Fink" counts as a black comedy to me, "Punch-Drunk Love"), most Kurosawa films ("High & Low" is my favorite of his), lots of experimental stuff (the -Qatsi trilogy, "Man With A Movie Camera", pretty much anything made by Bruce Conner or Brackhage, "Un Chien Andalou")..i could go on for a very long time, my degree is in photography/film/electronic media, so i tend to watch just about anything since i learned that you can learn something from just about any film, even if its just what not to do yourself.. particularly fond of bad horror films, as long as the cinematography isn't garbage (i blame "The Blair Witch Project" for inspiring so many people to release stuff shot incredibly poorly).. i keep about 150 different movies on my NAS at any given time, swapping out some stuff every once in a while
even before my back issues started, i'd easily seen a few thousand films


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

JaffaCakeMexica wrote:

the bollywood breaks tune enduser..


that EP is great, was the first stuff of his i heard... the one time i played a gig with him, i actually ended up doing his visuals because no carrier needed to rest a little since the show ran from 8pm to 6 am


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

it's definitely a powerful piece of software.. end.user uses it for his music, which is a great endorsement if you ask me


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

you could always try the demo version of renoise... http://www.renoise.com/download
also, it's pretty cheap.. $75 for full version


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i've mostly been watching movies, hard to do much else since it turns out i have arthritis in my spine from the base of my skull to about the middle of my back....means that i'm going to be in pain pretty much 24/7 for the rest of my life...have managed some video art (thanks to me finding ways to automate a lot of the process) and did visuals at 8static fest for fuckjazzforaminute, zen albatross, l-tron & mail order monsters


(1 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

i don't have one, but a friend got one the other day and he's pretty much in love with it already.. the specs on it all look great and the price is good... honestly, best advice i could give is to go to a store and try it out if you have the chance... synth preferences are so subjective that it's pretty hard to be sure what one person would like.. the first synth i ever owned (a RedSounds Darkstar, now long discontinued) is rated very poorly on most synth forums and apparently most people hate it, but i liked it.. for me, it usually comes down to the interface for editing patches more than anything else, so something with a large number of physical controls (or a very good menu system like the dsi mopho) is important... the minilogue would be a good choice for me, but you never know until you actually sit down with a synth for awhile


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

don't worry, Feryl's just a total idiot

Patchapon wrote:

Sweet, thank you guys for the help! I plan on getting started very soon, and I'll (hopefully) be up and running soon!

I was also just looking at the akai mpx8, and for some reason it only accepts midi in on channel 10. Is there any way to change what channels the four channels route out to?

i have an mpx8 and honestly this is the only thing about it that annoys me personally... nothing like having to change midi channels on most of your other gear (and any old tracks you still plan to play again) just to add one thing to your setup

carrying multiple devices including a mixer is stretching my definition of portable


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i never made anything that's really "bass music", but a lot of stuff i did as e.s.c. from 2010 on tended to be very heavy on the bass... i played some gigs where the bass from my tracks shook some of the gear off my table

the roughest part of your plan would be the writing on the go part.. i mean, how would you know what the synth line you're sending to the microkorg sounds like without having it hooked up?


low-gain wrote:
nitro2k01 wrote:

Don't put too much weight into what he's saying, especially not in part 2 of the interview.

just found this post.. had never seen this interview.. I find it funny how he conveniently left out a number of HUGE players involved in running 8BC... what a fucking asshole.

lol yep.. not surprising though.. he basically ignored that he was absent for a good chunk of time while a bunch of us ran it...