(56 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i think this was mine.. nanoloop 1.1, written sometime in 2003 and released a year later..


(54 replies, posted in General Discussion)

those pants are bondage pants, and far from exclusive to metal scenes...


(15 replies, posted in Other Hardware)



(15 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

based on all the youtube acoustic guitar covers of overrated green day songs, i have to disgree


(20 replies, posted in Collaborations)

you should hit up Saskrotch, if he's free.. did the Rex Rocket soundtrack among other things
edit: i linked him this thread


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

bitjacker wrote:

im actually hoarding rare stuff hoping for the price of it to go up. er.... isnt that the point of collecting?

not really.. lots of people collect things to actually enjoy the stuff themselves, not for some profit motive


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

well this just seems stupid and not worthy of posting on a chipmusic website
ps.. turkey is the worst kind of poultry...


(15 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

milkytracker does indeed run on pi


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

wailord wrote:

i forgot how pathetic this forum is.

wah wah someone made a toy i don't like

no one is making you come back, feel free to avoid it if you think its "pathetic"


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i think there's a lot of projecting going on to assume someone in "insecure" just because they make a statement online about a product being stupid and misrepresenting itself in its sales pitch... i dont think anyone said or thinks this is somehow making what they do less valid or anything of the sort, just that its sort of a shitty thing in general, especially for the price

edit: wrong tab, oops


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

the issue, as stated above is that its representing itself as a musical instrument to make chip music with which is deceptive in a few ways.. we're all sort of bummed for anyone who buys it not knowing any better and annoyed at the people misrepresenting what it is.. if it was sold as a toy, no one would give a fuck

dropping an octave would be QF4, if i remember correctly... 2 would be QE8 ?

come on, i don't even use lsdj anymore i knew that... get with the times, man smile


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

lol.. . so bad
edit: seriously, they may as well market every sampler as a chip device while theyre at it

not sure if i even posted this in here, but in june i put up everything (pretty much) from the e.s.c. years on bandcamp, most with bonus tracks, many re-mastered
and most of that on kunaki also...
http://kunaki.com/MSales.asp?PublisherI … 0&PP=1
the kunaki stuff expires soon, and i'm unlikely to reupload anything that does expire, so it's pretty much your last chance to get any of this stuff on cd if you want it
all prices were kept as low as possible, $1 for digital downloads or $3-4 for cd's
bandcamp ended its kunaki integration, so i can't automatically give you the download at time of purchase, but i will email links to digital downloads for anyone who buys a cd...