
(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i still use it, and based on how many other guys in the scene i saw post memorial links on facebook when they announced it im sure we are far from alone
edit: didnt realize you even linked nullsleep's memorial site.. you should KNOW you arent alone on this

boaconstructor wrote:

the day that the sticks finally came out of the mods' butts

eh, i quit and i think lazerbeat is already getting burnt out by the random bs overload or this wouldve been closed immediately... may seem odd from the outside, but when chipmusic.org was founded, one of the key terms that came up in discussion was "no-nonsense"... mostly cause we were pretty sick of what 8bc had become, despite our best efforts

this place 4 blocks from me is supposed to be one of the best hot dog places around... when dapantz/ricky brugal was in town hanging out, he got a hotdog from them covered in mac and cheese that had cut up hot dogs in it... not sure whats called on the menu.. but this looks like its it..

nope., its totally the hot dogs

fuck hot dogs, i got food poisoning from one once... also, fuck pizza hut for the same reason

if so, think thats a thing that has happened maybe 2-3 times total in the nearly 4 years of chipmusic.org


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

this bug is also in 2.3, never upgraded to 2.5, so i cant say for sure if its an issue there, too


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

its a documented bug, but a weird one (and id thought he'd fixed it by now)... if you rename a bank without having gone into its song screen first, it overwrites your song pattern with whatever song pattern was loaded at the time (or blanks it if none is loaded)


(57 replies, posted in General Discussion)

hi again, hope you dont take it personally if i ever banned you back then hahaha


(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

you can edit the tiles by loading the .chr into yy-chr & then recompiling glitchnes with the edited chr file...

yeah, this looks pretty cool. i'd probably grab a kit at some point

my questions:
1) which channels are you going into on the mixer?
2) what are the gain and volume levels set at for those channels?

it just sounds like its sending too quiet of a signal to me, im guessing the that reaper is just boosting the whole signal with some automatic leveling for some reason...
i'd recommend hooking into channels 3 & 4, turning the gain to somewhere near the 10 o'clock position and then adjusting eq and channel level from there (misread which way that one was going before)
edit: if anything, this may end up too loud and distorted.. if so, reduce the gain level until distortion goes away.. peak  light should lite up on things like kick drums, but not be lit on quieter instruments
2nd edit: make sure the little button below the gain knob is in the up position, or you'll be losing most of the signal below 60hZ


(45 replies, posted in General Discussion)

lol, this llist is a pretty stupid one as no one on that list is a troll or anything... just people who have opinions (largely because they've been doing this stuff for years and have had time to develop strong opinions).. those same people are also often a good source of legitmately helpful info... like with herr_prof and myself on the list, you probably better hope you don't need help with piggy->midi stuff, since we use it more than just about anyone else.... though i guess you may never see this if you're using that script


(88 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Zan-zan-zawa-butt wrote:

what if there was a DIY music scene with a thousandstrong base of artists and none of them ever made a worthwhile statement

hey now, maybe 1-3% do make meaningful statements


(17 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

oh, you can add midi in? that was my big question on these... looks like theyre fun to mess with, may have to grab one or two eventually

not needed, these are glossy to begin with and water-resistant.. dry pretty quickly also