arlen wrote:

Don't think anyone's mentioned this but there's also a YM2151 emulator/music suite for iPad. I don't have an iPad so I don't know how easy it is to use, but some sick shit has been played off it. YM2151 was used in a lot of arcade music and I believe the Sharp X68000?

Not exactly sure what dump mode is. Probably just song data played back, but there is a sequencer for the app. … 75529?mt=8

This is super hard to use. I tried for a few hours and could barely get one measure of ok sounding stuff.

You can use iSequence to do midi out, it also has live looper controls. You need to buy iRig to do the midi control stuff but I highly recommend it, you can also use iRig to power input to Sunrizer. What I do is build tracks in logic pro, my KA6 sends the midi signal thru iRig into the iPad to Sunrizer and then I record it (also via KA6) out of the headphone jack with a stereo splitter.

Sunrizer and iSequence are excellent. I do all my midi creation on iSequence. Sunrizer sounds like a professional hard synth. Even iSequences built in sounds and drum samples are decent enough to use in a final product. … 63267?mt=8


(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

makes me think of legacy of the wizard...and i listen to brad's dark side of the moon cover album like once a week so i feel i just have to contribute


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I agree with most people's opinions expressed about this thing...the only part that bothers me about all this, is what Fudgers wrote, some kid sees this who has never heard of chiptune, gets excited about it, buys this thing, then stumbles into this forum to find out more and probably won't get a very warm welcome.

This is one of those rare games with the different sound chip deal right? Will have to check that out...

[edit] I looked, it is. Can anyone recommend an emulator that plays the music right? I'd guess its non-standard...

Laika - Revengineers. Nothing gets me motivated like that song.


(15 replies, posted in Audio Production)

If you can afford it, fab-filter EQ really helps you single in on the exact frequency that is causing some whine and just trim out that little sliver. It won't effect your overall sound much at all.


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

Great album…just drenched in Melody. I recommend!


(55 replies, posted in General Discussion)

sleepytimejesse wrote:
MaxDolensky wrote:

1. Changed my major at university from Management Information Systems to Music Composition smile


Afraid I have to agree. For starters, if you don't want to be the same kind of composer as your teacher and do exactly what they did, you'll be the musical equivalent of the student who questions scientific facts with things he found on the internet about aliens. And secondly as someone who is a full time freelancer, makes some money off music and has a IT background, I'd rather have the IT background education than musical. I don't use any music theory stuff at all in my actual work and its always easy to pick up IT contract work to fill the gaps when music work slows down.

You can still follow your passion, its just good to have a net. Just my opinion.

Dire Hit wrote:

If you're looking for a super quick fix, try writing on shitty headphones/speakers. It's easier to focus on the music when you're not worrying about the sounds you're using. Some of my best songs were originally written by holding a gameboy to the side of my head whenever I wanted to listen to what I was working on.

Totally agreed with this. I write everything (well, every non hardware chiptune) in raw MIDI. If it sounds good there, it'll sound great however you dress it up later.

I try to imagine what would come next, add a blank pattern and when the song 'runs out' try to think of what would follow it.

A drum break or slower section is always a good chance to change things up to, or take a small bit from one of your patterns and make a new pattern out of that, make it repeat with a changing bass note, etc..

see more advice here

According to  my files, 200+ but probably more like 130, some are little game jingles or alternate versions.


(36 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Cubase le seems to be the least taxing that still runs almost any vst. I use it on my older laptop to bounce vopmm tracks and then bring them into logic on my Mac. … -tutorial/


(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)