(18 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Victory Road wrote:

put a shirt on!!!

NEVER big_smile


(18 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Anyone skilled enough in Photoshop to do a small 8-bit rework of a picture.
I have close to 0 skill when it comes to editing(funny coming from a photographer).I don't even own photoshop.

So if anyone would be bored enough to do a 8-bit version of this picture,that would be kick ass!

or even create a 8-bit character out of that.That would be fantastic.I don't want to bother anyone too much or take away too much time,as i don't have the resources to pay someone for their work and skill which is involved for this.

Anyone willing to do it,go ahead and make my day.

Lot's of thanks in advance.Hopefully i can somehow return the favour.

PS:This is me 2 years ago.

JMackerl wrote:

I had a really similar issue happen to my EMS cart when I first got it. If you look at the battery housing there is a tab that connects it to the circuit board on the south side of the housing (North being the top of the cart). My tab was unsoldered to the board and was actually positioned above the contact area.

To solve the problem I just took the... solder blob? and re-heated it while holding the battery contact against the circuit board, this melted the solder back onto the board and fixed the battery housing into position. Now the cart always holds saves and I haven't had any problems with it.

I didn't even have any soldering experience when I attempted this and my soldering iron was actually a woodburning tool that had a soldering iron tip you could attach. So even if you're hesitant to try because you don't have experience either I wouldn't worry about it since it's a really easy procedure.

I don't see any problems with the solder.Looks all good.Worked pretty long,5months.I think if it was that i would have caused trouble earlier.


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The current live setup for lsdj.I might do another one with ableton/nanoloop sync.

Why is the price of 2,.01 almost same price of new 2.6?Like 2 dollars off.

I send a mail to noninfinite and i didn't get any response.I don't know what to think about it.


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Write me here what you got and we will sort out through pm futher details.I think i got around 34 dollars and maybe we can work our something.

I got:

Some gb/gbc carts
Nintendo ds games
Classic Nintendo ds for parts(top screen smashed and the shell is unusable.
Sp motherboard.
CGB shell/shells(have to look maybe it's more than one)

Anyone interested let me

How much would you charge for a reverb and/or delay pedal?

GoingHam wrote:

Did you try formatting the ems cart via the cart flashing executable?
I'd backup the .sav file for shits and gigs incase it isn't completely cached. I've heard of .sav's being repaired before by Nitro2k01, just some food for thought.

I lost one song.Everything else is ok.

I tried different saves different versions and both of those things on both of the pages.Nothing always names of the songs are gibberish or doesn't even wanna load the game.Ram test fail.

I tried pokemon,loaded it.But i had only new game,i tried the new game saved.When reseting the gameboy i had only new game again.

Tried 3 different batteries same story.
Formated everything multiple times.Without luck

Cart is from february,so don't know really what could be causing it cause it worked perfect till now.

changed battery,nothing...Still same story.


(42 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hmmm i think i'm a lucky bastard big_smile

DMG-1-10$  Bought 2 for 1.5 dollars each
Colour-5-15$ -Got a lot for free from friends but mostly around 5$
GBA SP-10-40$ Depending if frontlit or backlit

THis is all from sites like craiglist and Serbian "Ebay"
I haven't been to this one place where they sell old stuff but i guess there will be dirt cheap.

9-Heart wrote:
Imnikola wrote:


And if anyone knows the batteries used in ems cart 64mgb are the same as what?(so i know in which shop too look because now i'm unable to think literally panicing at the glance of my gameboy.

CR1220 - 3V
At least in the ones i have here.

You can get these in Hardware Store or Places that sell Radios and Stuff.

Thanks all a lot to all of you.

I'm crossing my fingers it's my battery.I don't want to miss a gig like this,100+ people coming to hear you...and you come there promising chiptune but all you do is rock a computer with ableton and prerecorded tracks. sad

Analog wrote:

sounds like a baterry issue to me. Don't use a GBL and an EMS cart, bad choice if you ask me. It's switching to second page for the capacitor thingy (correct me if I'm wrong).

Better put lsdj on both pages, and run on another gameboy, not a gameboy pocket.

Good luck!

I use a colour when i'm traveling and a dmg for recording/live.I never saw a gameboy light in my life and wanted to see how it sounds.Used it maybe 10minutes total.

I switched lsdj to page 2.Said testing ram,ok and it loads all songs are some giberish and nothing makes any sense.Then when i tried loading another song i got some error.

Thanks for the quick reply mate.

And if anyone knows the batteries used in ems cart 64mgb are the same as what?(so i know in which shop too look because now i'm unable to think literally panicing at the glance of my gameboy.

when cart is inserted it now after formatting everything it shows cartridge test and fail.
So i guess battery.

I always do safely remove.I always try to keep it in good shape and it only fell with the gameboy once...This really killed me and it kinda makes me want to have a derp cart now.

Well i've been working on this song literally work for 8 hours straight 2 days ago to finish it.Today i try to play the song and see if i need to fix something before recording.All corrupted all other song names are different.The cart turns of and switches to second memory page when myddygb was.It turns off when shaken a bit even though i put some duct tape to make even less space between the battery and cartridge case.

I used it with a gameboy light for maybe half an hour and the cart is maybe 4 months old.It fell down once but it didn't hit cart directly but the gameboy.No visible damage.

Anyone know what is wrong.Battery drained?Bad cart?
I got a huge party in 4 days.And it takes a month for a cart to arrive from any store.

From 1-10 how screwed am i?

i was planning a eurotrip this summer.When is it exactly i wouldn't mind coming to Berlin if i meet some cool people and have a good time.