(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Any tips what how to mod a pink gameboy micro and what to do with it.


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Downstate wrote:

Thats called latency.
Im no expert - i got an edirol ua 25. Its cheap. i had it for 5 years and its ticking over enough to do what i need to do.
Remember you get what you pay for.
There are lots of threads on here about soundcards / mixers etc. Do a search and you'll find some helpful information.

cheers,I'll go through forum a bit more for the soundcard but if anyone still has a suggestion i'm up for it big_smile

godinpants wrote:

Just record all the game boy parts into ableton and do everything from there.

I don't like doing that.I don't like computers for performance.Only reaoson i wanna use it because it's a free alternative for effects when i don't have mini kaoss pad from a friend.

Downstate wrote:

then you need a usb soundcard. can get them pretty cheap, then you will have a line in and also your audio outs. and better latency.

Yeah but any recommendations which one to get or from which ones to stay away.I got a small "soundcard" with my gaming headphones(which is literally just a extension for headphones with usb) The sound with it is so much behind it's literally impossible to compose or even mix normally.

nordloef wrote:

And use asio4all if you have a normal crappy built in soundcard.


But best is to buy a real soundcard of course.

i would use the build in but it only has one jack so i can't do audio out and input form gameboy

I have a series 9 laptop which i got as a present recently.It only has one audio jack(so either audio in or audio out)
I planned for live for my gameboy to go into ableton addint some effects like reverb and such and to have other stuff on it so i don't have to buy kaoss pad or such for example.
How will i get this to work?The first thing that came to my mind was a usb soundcard.But don't they have lag/latency( not sure how you call it) and how secure is it not to fail on a set.

Thanks a lot in advance.Hope this is not in wrong section or such.

- clarified title - lb

how are the gemini mixers?p1 specifically for 45euros

nitro2k01 wrote:

I have never touched this type of cartridge before. I do not know exactly what can or can't flash this cartridge. Maybe a bleepbloop/smartboy type flasher can flash it, maybe not. I'm working on a flasher of my own however, and would love to get my hands on this and see if I can add support for it.

i am down to borrowing it to you when i get my hands on it.

kitsch wrote:

this i do not know, i do have this unit and have used it a longlong time ago, but in terms of compatibility with other things it really beats me...

people have sold these units on this site in the past, they are still around so it'd be worth getting the auction for cheap even without the ability to flash it right now.  if you can't find a unit later, perhaps you could find someone with the set-up to still use the unit to flash it for you?

nitro2k01 might know the answer as to the compatibility with other programmers bit.  i think he's looked into cross-compatibility some in the past

i'll pm him,thanks mate.

It's a big deal because it's the first cartridge i ever seen here on a auction(we don't have ebay here,so it's a local kinda ebay for my country)
I have a ems and i need another one and would really try to get my hands on another one.

kitsch wrote:

it goes with the E-Merger system

its a now discontinued reprogrammable cartridge

you can find a bit of info on it (including the software to download) by googling 'gameboy e-merger' or something similar.

these should be fully compatible with LSDJ, they are mentioned extensively on the LSDJ wiki.  i can't think of any features in LSDJ since their timeframe which would not allow full compatibility now...

thank you my savior haha kudos for such a quick response

also any way to use the card without the other part?Like with a gba sp and the cable for it?

here is the link to it.Basically this guy is giving it away as a gift with those other cards for laptops or whatever they are used for.So far the pricing of the auction is only 1 dollar.I am the only one bidding 2 days already.What is that cartridge and how can i use it for lsdj.Anyone know about it?

in my country we have officially 4 guys now.One lives in the same city as i do.One in a city 2 hours away.One is from my country but currently lives in Bratislava.


(16 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

so i should reduce the panning hahah big_smile ok
It's te first song i actually used the panning almost at all.

notes for the song:

1.Chill the fuck out with the panning.

how is distorsion pedal when it's used with gameboys.Anyone got sound tests or a video?


(16 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

hahah it is pretty much everywhere with it's sounds.Any specific things i should take care,something bad or maybe even good?:D
all i'm trying is to improve.I'm doing chiptune for 2 months now and hopefully that's not too bad for that time.

sorry for using this terminology.BUt holy shit.Nice